Teller Report

Motala politicians have not given up hope on Lalandia

5/9/2023, 3:55:25 PM

Highlights: Despite the verdict, there is still hope that Lalandia will happen. The opposition council and chairman of the municipal executive board Mark Henriksson have agreed that the adventure park will take place. When it could all become a reality, however, is unclear and Motala residents Elicia Alfheim and Joana Stegeryd are pessimistic. "We had hoped that it would already be ready and operational. We have noticed that it is not, so time will tell," says Hanna Hammarlund.

Yesterday, the Land and Environment Court of Appeal announced that Motala Municipality had not taken into account protected bats in its detailed development plan for Lalandia, which further delays the project. But hope has not yet been extinguished.

"The Court does not think that we have made a sufficient basic assessment of this issue. Now we take the issue with us and look further and see how we can move forward, says Elias Georges (S), opposition councillor in Motala, the day after the court's decision.

Despite the verdict, there is still hope that Lalandia will happen. The opposition council and chairman of the municipal executive board Mark Henriksson (M) and Hanna Hammarlund, operations manager for strategic community planning in the municipality, have agreed that the adventure park will take place.

Unclear when the vision can become reality

Joana Stegeryd and Elicia Alfheim believe Lalandia is good for Motala, but that it won't happen for a while. Photo: Wilma Franzén/SVT

When it could all become a reality, however, is unclear and Motala residents Elicia Alfheim and Joana Stegeryd are pessimistic.

"Nothing has happened," they told SVT Nyheter Öst.

Hanna Hammarlund will certainly answer yes to the question of whether Lalandia will become a reality, but the timing is extremely vague.

"We had hoped that it would already be ready and operational. We have noticed that it is not, so time will tell," she says.