Teller Report

Hasbulla arrested in Russia for messing with her at a wedding

5/9/2023, 3:45:58 PM

Highlights: The news has shocked all the followers of the influencer. Hasbulla Magomedov was arrested on Monday along with a group of friends in Dagestan. He was accused of disturbing public order and breaking traffic laws in that country. The Ministry of Interior came to Hasbi's defense, explaining that it is customary to celebrate weddings in that area. The 20-year-old influencer is one of the most followed characters in the world with more than nine million fans and not in vain all mobile phones use their memes.

The news has shocked all the followers of the influencer. Hasbulla Magomedov was arrested on Monday along with a group of friends in his hometown of Dagestan, Russia,...

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The news has shocked all the followers of the influencer. Hasbulla Magomedov was arrested on Monday along with a group of friends in Dagestan (Russia), his hometown, accused of disturbing public order and breaking traffic laws in that country by blocking the road and causing inconvenience to other drivers.

The agents did not share the festive context in which Hasbi was, as he is affectionately called. The 20-year-old influencer who suffers from achondroplasia was celebrating a wedding with his friends and they were all at the height of the party when the agents surprised them.

Hasbulla is one of the most followed characters in the world with more than nine million fans and not in vain all mobile phones use their memes and stickers. Hasbi made, as one would say vulgarly here, some spinning tops with the car with his friends, but the police stopped his feet.

After messing it up and spending a few hours in the dungeon, it was time to apologize. Hasbulla did so on his Twitter account. "We decided to exaggerate a bit. It won't happen again, people. We apologize. We played a little bit and I had to respond. I wasn't driving."

However, even the Ministry of Interior in Dagestan came to Hasbulla's defense, explaining that it is customary to celebrate weddings in that area. "In the absence of other forms of entertainment, such a primitive option remains extremely popular: blocking the way to other road users, burning tires, crashing cars into each other and many other features that, in fact, have nothing to do with the celebration," they said. However, the limits were exceeded and that is why his arrest took place.

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