Teller Report

The Russian ambassador reminded Austria of the price of the USSR for the liberation of the country from Nazism

5/5/2023, 3:34:41 PM

Highlights: Russian Ambassador Dmitry Lyubinsky called shameful the withdrawal of invitations to the delegations of Russia and Belarus to events dedicated to the liberation of Austria and Europe from Nazism. "We consider it unacceptable and shameful in the light of the previously high and valued culture of the historical memory of the Alpine Republic," he said. The ambassador called the decision to sacrifice his own history for the sake of "momentary political expediency" rash and short-sighted. About 80,40 Soviet citizens are buried in the Austrian land, more than <>,<> died in concentration camps.

Russian Ambassador Dmitry Lyubinsky called shameful the withdrawal of invitations to the delegations of Russia and Belarus to events dedicated to the liberation of Austria and Europe from Nazism.

"Decisions, no matter what political authorities they are made ... we consider it unacceptable and shameful in the light of the previously high and valued culture of the historical memory of the Alpine Republic," he said.

The ambassador called the decision to sacrifice his own history for the sake of "momentary political expediency" rash and short-sighted.

He recalled that the USSR paid an exorbitant price for the liberation of Austria from Nazism.

"About 80,40 Soviet citizens are buried in the Austrian land, more than <>,<> died in concentration camps ... Employees of the Russian Embassy and other Russian missions in Austria... will find an opportunity outside the events organized by the Austrian authorities, to adequately pay tribute to the memory of Soviet citizens who died for the freedom of Austria, "Lyubinsky concluded.

Earlier it was reported that Italy, Austria and Germany opposed the resolution proposed by Russia aimed at combating the glorification of Nazism.

85 years ago, Nazi troops invaded the territory of Austria, launching the process of its Anschluss - joining Nazi Germany. According to historians, this event took place with the actual approval of the Western European powers. As a result, Adolf Hitler gained control over the territory and economy of the previously independent state. At the same time, he gained an important springboard for the future seizure of Czechoslovakia and realized that the leaders of other European powers would continue to turn a blind eye to his actions, experts say.

For more details, see the RT material.