Teller Report

Global military spending has increased for the eighth consecutive year – and the security situation in the world has become even more serious

5/5/2023, 10:35:19 PM

Highlights: Global military spending has grown for the eighth consecutive year. In 2022, the actual military expenditure of the United States will reach $8770 billion. Europe's military spending rose 13 percent year-on-year, the largest increase in the world, surpassing levels seen for the first time at the end of the Cold War in 1989. India, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Japan entering the top 10 military expenditures are related to seeking great power status and occupying a favorable strategic position in the new geopolitical pattern.

Zou Zhibo analyzed, "India, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Japan entering the top 10 military expenditures are related to seeking great power status and occupying a favorable strategic position in the new geopolitical pattern." "At present, global military spending has entered a period of acceleration, especially the continuous rapid growth of military spending of major countries, which may lead to an arms race between major powers and even give rise to the risk of war between major powers."

Global military spending has grown for the eighth consecutive year -

The world security situation is more serious (global hot spot)

Reporter Jia Pingfan

Recently, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in Sweden released a statistical report on global military expenditure data in 2022. According to the report, in terms of real purchasing power, global military spending in 2022 maintained growth for the eighth consecutive year, an increase of 2021.3% over 7, and the total expenditure reached $2.24 trillion.

"The continued growth in global military spending in recent years shows that we live in an increasingly insecure world." Tian Nan, a senior researcher at SIPRI, pointed out that in response to the deteriorating security environment, many countries in the world are strengthening their military strength, and this situation is not expected to improve in a short period of time.

The growth of global military spending has entered a period of acceleration

According to the SIPRI report, in 2022, the actual military expenditure of the United States will reach $8770 billion, accounting for 39% of the total global military expenditure. At $4800 billion, Europe's military spending rose 13 percent year-on-year, the largest increase in the world, surpassing levels seen for the first time at the end of the Cold War in 1989.

In 2023, from the Americas to Europe and Asia, many countries will accelerate the growth rate of military spending. Public data shows that in fiscal 2023, the US defense budget reached $8579.2022 billion, an increase of nearly 7530% from the $14 billion defense budget in 500; The UK's defence budget is £17 billion, an increase of 487%; France's defense budget is $2022.7 billion, an increase of 4.6% over 8; Japan's annual defense budget was raised to about 2022.1 trillion yen, 26.5 times the original budget for 94; India's defense budget was raised to 13.<> trillion rupees, <>% higher than the previous preliminary estimates...

As global military spending has increased year after year, the military trade market has also heated up. According to the "2022 Global Defense Top 2022 List" released by the US Defense News Network, the 100 World Defense Enterprise Ranking shows that the total defense revenue of the top 5950 companies on the list is $2021 billion, an increase of $440 billion over 8, with an annual growth rate of nearly 46%. From the perspective of geographical distribution, the United States has a total of 53 companies listed in the list of the world's top 8 military enterprises, defense revenue accounts for 5% of the total list, the United Kingdom has 3 companies shortlisted, France has <> companies shortlisted, Germany has <> companies shortlisted.

The Associated Press reported that the Army Ammunition Plant in Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA, is working overtime to produce 155mm howitzer shells and is also investing in the construction of new production lines. The Financial Times reported that U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Army Gabe Camarillo said in March that the Army was spending about $3.15 billion to boost ammunition production; By 2028, U.S. production capacity for 155mm shells will increase from 1,4 rounds per month before the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to more than 8,5 rounds per month. The Nikkei newspaper reported that after the Cold War, Germany has been reducing the number of tanks, and now it has begun to increase production again.

Zou Zhibo, deputy director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and director of the National Global Strategy Think Tank, told this reporter that the growth of global military spending has entered a period of acceleration, and more and more countries have participated in the wave of arms purchases. With the support of sufficient military spending, the demand for advanced weapons in countries with relatively backward military strength has increased significantly, while countries with strong military strength have increased the research and development of advanced weapons and equipment, and continuously put advanced weapons into use and foreign trade.

Insecurity is everywhere

"Global military spending has increased year after year, reflecting some new changes in the global security situation." Guo Xiaobing, director of the Arms Control Research Center of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, pointed out in an interview with this reporter that the world is very unpeaceful: First, the trend of accelerating campization is more obvious. Stimulated by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, NATO regained its vitality and took a series of measures to regroup. At the same time, the United States is also focusing on transforming the spokes-type alliance system in the Indo-Pacific region into a network-based alliance system, trying to build an "Indo-Pacific small NATO"; Second, the confrontational side in relations between major countries is more obvious. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is essentially a confrontation and indirect confrontation between Russia and the NATO system; At the end of last year, Japan launched three security policy documents, including the "National Security Strategy," to greatly increase military spending and develop non-nuclear strategic offensive forces such as missiles. This means that Japan will essentially break through the principle of "exclusive defense" and may once again awaken the ghost of the "Great East Asian War."

In February this year, the Munich Security Report 2, released ahead of the 59th Munich Security Conference, highlighted that the world has entered a critical decade of adjustment of the international order. According to the Munich Safety Index, released at the same time, the world has entered a new phase in which insecurity is everywhere.

The United States still maintains the first position in military spending with absolute superiority. Zou Zhibo analyzed that behind the scale of military spending and military strength is the support of the country's scientific and technological level and economic strength. The huge military spending of the United States shows that the United States still has a huge advantage in power. At present, in order to maintain its global hegemonic position, although the economy is facing the risk of recession, its military spending continues to set new records. This also exposes the US side of disregarding the economy and people's livelihood and using military force.

"In 2022, Europe became the region with the largest increase in military spending in the world, mainly due to the comprehensive escalation of the crisis in Ukraine." Zou Zhibo analyzed, "India, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Japan have entered the top 10 military expenditures, which is related to seeking great power status and occupying a favorable strategic position in the new geopolitical pattern." ”

"The growth of global military spending has entered a period of acceleration, which is closely related to the new changes in the current international security situation." Zou Zhibo believes that first, the country represented by the United States has entered a period of strategic adventure, and in order to maintain its hegemonic status, it does not hesitate to provoke confrontation between major powers; Second, the game of great powers is unprecedentedly fierce, and the contest between the old and new forces is developing in the direction of competition and confrontation; Third, the fierce confrontation between major powers has seriously affected the regional and even global security situation, the sense of insecurity of relevant countries and regions has risen sharply, and strengthening military construction has become an inevitable choice.

A special period of complexity, change, and turmoil

Zou Zhibo pointed out that global arms control and competition are two sides of the same coin, and are the "indicator needle" of world peace and security. When the world is in a period of relative peace, arms control becomes mainstream, which is the reason why international arms control has made rapid and significant progress since the end of the Cold War in the 90s of last century. In recent years, the international security situation has entered a downward state, global military spending has grown rapidly, and the arms race has intensified.

"At present, global military spending has entered a period of acceleration, especially the continuous rapid growth of military spending of major countries, which may lead to an arms race between major powers and even give rise to the risk of war between major powers." In addition, the growing global military spending will inevitably further increase the burden on countries and make the world economy with a weak recovery "worse". Zou Zhibo said. On May 5, the International Monetary Fund released a report that 2 will be a challenging year for the global economy, with global growth decelerating due to the impact of monetary policy tightening and the Russia-Ukraine conflict continuing to weigh on economic activity. The New York Times said that the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict is undermining Europe's economic growth, sowing the seeds of anxiety and putting Europe's government resources under greater pressure than the United States and other countries and regions.

"Global military spending has maintained growth for eight consecutive years and will continue to grow in the future. This reflects the escalating global arms race, the continuous heating up of strategic competition and confrontation among major powers, and the more complex and tense global security situation. Zou Zhibo said that at present, the world is facing major changes unprecedented in a century, and the international security situation has entered a complex, changeable and turbulent special period.

"In recent years, while resolutely defending its core interests, China has done extensive work, promoted peace talks, put forward global security initiatives, promoted reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, worked hard to turn storms into gentle rain, and turned division and confrontation into harmony and symbiosis, and made its own unique contributions to maintaining world peace and stability." Guo Xiaobing said.

April 4 this year marks the first anniversary of President Xi Jinping's Global Security Initiative. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that China is the initiator of the global security initiative, and it is also the activist to implement this major initiative. China adheres to the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, carries out in-depth exchanges on security concepts and policies with all parties, and promotes forging swords into ploughshares and sharing safety and danger. China is willing to work with all parties to uphold the concept of a security community, adhere to true multilateralism, work together to address various traditional and non-traditional security challenges, and jointly advance the noble cause of peaceful development of mankind. (People's Daily Overseas Edition)