Teller Report

Felipe and Letizia arrive in London for the coronation

5/5/2023, 4:14:31 PM

Highlights: King Felipe and Queen Letizia have already arrived in London, where they will attend the events on the occasion of the coronation of Carlos III. The monarch and his wife traveled separately to the British capital, as the King attended an act of the Talent Tour in Lugo in the morning. The Queen has released a pistachio green dress and has complemented it with a brooch shaped like a bow of brilliants and a bracelet on her right arm. This afternoon, at Buckingham Palace, the kings will congratulate Charles III and Camilla and meet with members of other royal houses.

King Felipe and Queen Letizia have already arrived in London, where they will attend the events on the occasion of the coronation of Carlos III. The Monarch and his wife traveled through...

  • Graphic The coronation ceremony of Charles III explained in graphics
  • United Kingdom The coronation of Charles III, an exhibition of the 'soft power' of the Monarchy

King Felipe and Queen Letizia have already arrived in London, where they will attend the events on the occasion of the coronation of Carlos III. The monarch and his wife traveled separately to the British capital, as the King attended an act of the Talent Tour in Lugo in the morning, while the Queen had no events on the agenda. After lunch, both met at the Spanish Embassy, the official residence of the Kings in London, and the only seat of diplomacy with rooms for both the King and the Queen.

Around four thirty in the afternoon, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia left the Embassy for Buckingham Palace, where Carlos III organized a welcome reception for members of European royal houses who have traveled to the coronation. It is a mid-afternoon appointment, so the protocol required short suits, and no tiaras. The Queen has released a pistachio green dress and has complemented it with a brooch shaped like a bow of brilliants and a bracelet on her right arm

This afternoon, at Buckingham Palace, the kings will congratulate Charles III and Camilla and meet with members of other royal houses. On behalf of the Netherlands, Princesses Beatrice and Amalia, mother and daughter of King William, will represent him at this event. On the Belgium side, heiress Elizabeth will also accompany her parents to agape in Buckingham. Carl Gustav of Sweden is expected with Victoria, Albert of Monaco and the Princes of Liechtenstein.

Spain will be represented by the Head of State and his wife. Although at first the possibility of Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía attending was considered, finally the invitation came in the name of the Kings. The King's mother is the great victim of this decision of Buckingham. Accustomed to traveling to London frequently and maintaining a close relationship with the Windsors, mainly because of the treatment they gave to her brother Constantine after exile, Doña Sofía enjoys international appointments, where she feels like an active queen and moves with ease. In fact, in the first years of her reign she was the 'envoy' of Felipe VI to many international appointments.

The King and his wife will spend just 24 hours alone in London, although it will give them time to participate in all the events to which they have been invited. This Saturday, around ten thirty in the morning -Spanish time-, a bus will pick you up at the meeting point of the members of the royal families. All will go together to Westminster Abbey, where European royal families will occupy a preferential place in the first rows of the ship to follow the coronation. It should be remembered that it is not only a historic moment for Charles III, but for all the royal houses, since it is the first time that the British monarchy, related to all the Royal Families, invites its counterparts to a ceremony until now reserved for the Windsors.

Something similar to what happened in the proclamation of Felipe VI and in that of Don Juan Carlos, that there were no members of other dynasties. In fact, in Spain there is no custom of royal summits. The last meeting of the Kings with their European peers was at the funeral of Constantine of Greece in Athens. On that occasion, there was more representation of reigning and non-reigning European Houses than at the funeral of Elizabeth II.

  • London
  • Philip VI
  • Queen Letizia
  • King Charles III of England

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