Teller Report

Coronation of Charles III: how will the ceremony take place?

5/5/2023, 6:14:21 PM

Highlights: King Charles III and Queen Camilla will be crowned Saturday over the course of a day with a meticulous program. From Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace, the royal family will follow a course set to the cordeau, and will be accompanied by a procession of nearly 4,000 soldiers in ceremonial dress. The ceremony, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, will begin at 11 a.m. (noon in France) and is expected to last approximately two hours. The King's procession will reach Westminster Abbey in the late morning from Buckingham Palace.

King Charles III and Queen Camilla will be crowned Saturday over the course of a day with a meticulous program. From Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace, the royal family will follow a course set to the cordeau, and will be accompanied by a procession of nearly 4,000 soldiers in ceremonial dress.

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: WPA POOL / GETTY IMAGES EUROPE / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP 19:58 p.m., May 05, 2023

King Charles III and Queen Camilla will be crowned Saturday over the course of a day with a meticulous program. From Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace, the royal family will follow a course set to the cordeau, and will be accompanied by a procession of nearly 4,000 soldiers in ceremonial dress.

This Friday, King Charles III offered himself a crowd bath in London, the day before his ceremony. A taste of popular jubilation for the royal family, who are preparing for D-Day. On Saturday, the new King and Queen Camilla will be crowned at Westminster Abbey in front of more than 2,000 guests, not to mention millions of viewers around the world. But concretely, how will this day unfold where everything will be settled at the cordeau?

A procession of 4,000 soldiers in ceremonial dress

The King's procession will reach Westminster Abbey in the late morning from Buckingham Palace. On the way out, the royal carriage used will be the most comfortable the monarchy has, with air conditioning if necessary. The ceremony, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, will begin at 11 a.m. (noon in France) and is expected to last approximately two hours. Regarding the atmosphere, Charles III wants to give a facelift to this ceremony. This is why musical works from the classical repertoire will be played as well as new compositions, once the royal family has entered the abbey.

>> READ ALSO - Coronation of Charles III: the British divided between enthusiasm and anger

The king will be introduced, acclaimed by the audience, before taking the oath. Then, the sovereign, seated on King Edward's chair that covers the stone of Destiny specially brought from Scotland, will receive the anointing of oil from the archbishop and then the attributes of his office: the royal robe, the orb, the sceptre and the crown of St. Edward that will be placed on his head. The King and Queen Camilla, also crowned at the ceremony, will leave in the oldest and uncomfortable carriage for the coronation procession to Buckingham. They will be accompanied by a procession of nearly 4,000 soldiers in ceremonial dress.