Teller Report

Acting head of the Zaporozhye region: the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may begin in the coming days or hours

5/5/2023, 5:04:53 PM

Highlights: Armed Forces of the Ukraine are preparing to withdraw from the region. The withdrawal is expected to take days or even hours, according to the military. The move is in response to the Russian incursion into the region in the early 1990s. The U.S. military is also preparing to pull out of the region, the military says. The Russian military says it is ready to withdraw if necessary, but that the withdrawal is not imminent. The military says the withdrawal will be delayed until the end of the year if necessary.

The acting governor of the Zaporozhye region, Yevgeny Balitsky, on the air of the Solovyov Live TV channel, said that the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the region could begin in the coming days or hours.

"We understand that the counteroffensive (of the Ukrainian troops) will take place in the near future. This can happen for days, perhaps even hours, "RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

He said that there is information that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are pulling up forces. According to Balitsky, "all green spaces, plantings are clogged today with equipment and personnel" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

He also said that the Ukrainian military is completely evicting the front-line gray zone, including "the whole city of Stepnogorsk."

According to him, preparations for the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue.

"We are ready to meet the enemy if he goes to our land," Balitsky said.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister of the Zaporozhye region Andriy Kozenko said that about 70 thousand people are planned to be resettled from the shelled areas of the region.