Teller Report

Water delivery at Helsingborg Hospital

5/4/2023, 3:24:36 PM

Highlights: Since the first of April, five pregnant women have given birth in water at Helsingborg Hospital. Midwife Malin Heimdahl hopes for even greater pressure on pregnant women. "It's great that we can offer this," she says. "In terms of material, it's like a birth 'on land' and what we use is the same as in a water birth. It's just water. Nor should we complicate matters. What we have seen to prevent stretch marks is heat and moisture," says Malin.

Since the first of April, five pregnant women have given birth in water at Helsingborg Hospital and midwife Malin Heimdahl hopes for even greater pressure on pregnant women who want to give birth in water. "It's great that we can offer this," she says.

At Helsingborg Hospital there are two bathrooms with bathtubs that are now used by pregnant women who want to give birth in water.

"In terms of material, it's like a birth 'on land' and what we use is the same as in a water birth. It's just water. Nor should we complicate matters. What we have seen to prevent stretch marks is heat and moisture," says Malin Heimdahl.

Are there risks in giving birth in water?

"Studies show that the only risk that increases slightly in a water birth is the risk that the umbilical cord can break, and this may be due to being too quick to bring the baby up to the mother's breast. It can also happen during a birth on land. If this happens, we quickly put clamps on the umbilical cord. With this knowledge, I believe this risk will be eliminated and become as small as on land.

Listen to midwife Malin Heimdahl talk more about water birth in the video above.