Teller Report

The UK reported 22 victims of a serial poisoner who robbed on trains and at train stations in Moscow

5/4/2023, 2:04:13 PM

Highlights: A 36-year-old native of the city of Vladivostok was charged with committing 44 crimes. The man was involved in the death of 22 people, whom he drunk at the capital's railway stations and in trains and robbed. In each case the cause of their death was poisoning with one substance - an antipsychotic, which was limited in circulation and was used to treat the mentally ill. It is noted that the man had previously been convicted of committing a series of similar crimes in past years.

The man was involved in the death of 22 people, whom he drunk at the capital's railway stations and in trains and robbed, according to the website of the Western Interregional SU for Transport of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

"In the course of studying more than 45 archival criminal cases on the facts of fatal poisoning of citizens at the capital's railway stations and in trains, the production of which was suspended even before the creation of the Investigative Committee of Russia, it was established that the death of 22 citizens occurred under the same circumstances, and in each case the cause of their death was poisoning with one substance - an antipsychotic, which was limited in circulation and was used to treat the mentally ill," - stated in the department.

It is noted that the man had previously been convicted of committing a series of similar crimes in past years.

According to the investigation, cases of poisoning occurred from October 2007 to January 2009.

The man sat down with citizens at the capital's railway stations and in the trains of the Kursk and Kazan directions and during the conversation, distracting the attention of the interlocutor, mixed a psychotropic drug into their alcoholic beverages.

When a person lost consciousness, the man robbed him, after which he hid.

"As a result of the actions of the offender, all his victims subsequently died from acute poisoning," the department noted.

A 36-year-old native of the city of Vladivostok was charged with committing 44 crimes. The man pleaded guilty.