Teller Report

MP Didenko called Belgium a huckster for seizing Russia's assets to help Ukraine

5/4/2023, 7:34:27 PM

Highlights: State Duma deputy Alexei Didenko called Belgium, which seizes Russia's assets, a "huckster" He recalled the regime created by the Belgians in the Congo, where "10 million Congolese were killed" The Investigative Committee should open criminal cases against all those responsible for the embezzlement of Russian funds, Didenko said. The Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said earlier that the Belgian authorities are sending money earned on frozen Russian assets to Ukraine. He was speaking to reporters at a press conference in Brussels.

State Duma deputy Alexei Didenko called Belgium, which seizes Russia's assets, a "huckster." He called for the trial of Belgian officials who are involved in the seizure of property.

"European countries have turned into hucksters, dealers in stolen goods. How else to call the intention of Belgian officials to send the proceeds from stolen Russian assets as assistance to the country 404?" — quotes the words of the Deputy the press service of the LDPR faction in the state Duma.

He recalled the regime created by the Belgians in the Congo, where "10 million Congolese were killed."

"The Belgians demonstrated in zoos, in cages, African children until the end of the 50s of the XX century ... Only in recent decades, Belgium has portrayed a "civilized society", but, apparently, it is completely exhausted from such an unbearable load, "said the politician, quoted by RIA Novosti.

In his opinion, the Investigative Committee should open criminal cases against all those responsible for the embezzlement of Russian funds.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said earlier that the Belgian authorities are sending money earned on frozen Russian assets to Ukraine.