Teller Report

Kremlin attack. White House accuses Russia of lying, warns Europe against exploiting escalation

5/4/2023, 4:24:26 PM

Highlights: White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Russia's claims that the United States was linked to the drone attack on the Kremlin were "false" European Union warned against using the supposed attack to intensify attacks on Ukraine. Moscow announced yesterday that the Kremlin had been attacked with two drones thwarted by air defenses, saying it was aimed at assassinating President Vladimir Putin. Kiev denied any involvement in the operation, accusing Moscow of deliberately highlighting it in the media to justify any possible escalation. The European Union's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell warned Russia not to use this supposed attack as an excuse to continue escalating the war.

Russia's claims that Washington had something to do with the drone attack on the Kremlin are "false" as the European Union warned against exploiting the supposed attack to escalate against Ukraine, a White House national security spokesman said.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby said on Thursday that Russia's claims that the United States was linked to the drone attack on the Kremlin were "false", while the European Union warned against using the supposed attack to intensify attacks on Ukraine.

He told MSNBC: "I can assure you that the United States is not involved in this, whatever happened, we are not involved in it. We have nothing to do with this."

Kirby also stressed that the United States does not encourage or enable Ukraine to strike targets outside its borders.

It is not yet clear what exactly happened in the Kremlin, he said, noting that Washington still doesn't really know what happened and is still assessing the situation.

On Thursday, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused the United States of ordering Ukraine to launch the attack.

Russia today accused Washington of being behind the attack on the Russian presidential building (Kremlin) yesterday evening, and said that it has several options for a measured and balanced response to the attack.

European warning against exploiting attack

In the same context, the European Union's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell warned Russia today against exploiting the supposed attack on the Kremlin, which Moscow accused Kiev of carrying out, to intensify its attacks in Ukraine.

Borrell told a meeting of EU ministers in charge of development affairs: "We call on Russia not to use this supposed attack as an excuse to continue escalating" the war it began in early 2022.

"I saw pictures and listened to (Volodymir) President Zelensky. He stressed that Ukraine is not involved," he said, stressing that Ukrainians "defend their country, they are fighting on their own soil, not attacking Russia."

Moscow announced yesterday that the Kremlin had been attacked with two drones thwarted by air defenses, saying it was aimed at assassinating President Vladimir Putin.

Kiev denied any involvement in the operation, accusing Moscow of deliberately highlighting it in the media to justify any possible escalation.