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"We know very well that decisions are not made in Kyiv": Peskov announced US involvement in the drone attack on the Kremlin

5/4/2023, 2:24:46 PM

Highlights: Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov says Kiev could not make a decision to attack the Kremlin without the United States. According to him, Moscow is well aware that decisions on such terrorist attacks are made in Washington, and Kiev acts only as an executor. The Russian Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, called on the world community and international organizations to condemn Kiev's actions. The head of state still intends to hold the previously planned operational meeting of the Security Council on Friday, May 5, Peskov said. The issue of a UAV attack on the Kremlin will be discussed at this meeting.

Ukraine could not make a decision to attack the Kremlin without the United States, said Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov. According to him, Moscow is well aware that decisions on such terrorist attacks are made in Washington, and Kiev acts only as an executor.

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, in an interview with reporters, said that Moscow is of the opinion that the United States is involved in an attempt to attack the Kremlin with drones.

According to Peskov, the attempts of Kiev and Washington to "disown" these events are ridiculous.

"We are well aware that decisions on such actions, on such terrorist attacks are made not in Kiev, but in Washington. And Kiev is already doing what it is told to do," the presidential spokesman said.

Answering the question whether the Kremlin believes that Washington is behind the attack, Peskov replied in the affirmative.

"Absolutely. Such decisions, the definition of goals, the definition of means - all this is dictated to Kiev from Washington. And we are well aware of this," Peskov said.

Also on the "We regard these actions as a terrorist act": the Kremlin called the drone attack an assassination attempt on the president

Recall that on the eve of the Kremlin's press service announced Kiev's attempt on the night of May 3 to strike with unmanned aerial vehicles at the Kremlin residence of the Russian president.

As emphasized in the Kremlin, as a result of timely actions taken by the military and special services with the use of radar systems, the devices were disabled, no one was injured during the incident.

As follows from the Kremlin's statement, these actions in Moscow are regarded as a terrorist act and an attempt on the president's life, held on the eve of Victory Day and the May 9 parade, at which the presence of foreign guests is planned.

Shortly after the statement of the Kremlin press service, Peskov noted that at the time of the attack, the president was not in the Kremlin residence.

During a conversation with reporters on May 4, the spokesman stressed that the head of state always remains calm in unforeseen situations.

"The president always in such difficult extreme situations remains calm, composed, clear in assessments, in the commands that he distributes. Therefore, nothing new has happened in this regard," he said.

Along with this, the presidential press secretary clarified that no special appeal of the head of state on the topic of drone attacks is planned. An emergency meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation is also not expected, Peskov added.

According to him, the head of state still intends to hold the previously planned operational meeting of the Security Council on Friday, May 5. According to Peskov, the issue of a UAV attack on the Kremlin will be discussed at this meeting.

"Of course, we can assume with a high degree of confidence that this topic will be touched upon," Peskov said.

Commenting on the assumptions about the likelihood of an attack on the Kremlin from the territory of Russia, Peskov noted that the special services are dealing with this issue. He also expressed hope that all the circumstances of the incident will soon be known.

According to him, the data on Kyiv's connection with the events with drones are associated with information available to the Russian special services. "You understand that only a small fraction of this data is revealed. It is very important that Washington understands that we know this," Peskov said.

According to Peskov, according to the economic services of the Kremlin, as a result of incidents with UAVs, two copper sheets that cover the dome were scorched. A spokesman for the president suggested that these details could have already been replaced by the time he spoke to reporters.

The Russian Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, called on the world community and international organizations to condemn Kiev's actions.

"It is necessary to force Kiev to fulfill its obligations in the field of combating terrorism, international humanitarian law and the protection of human rights," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

As diplomats noted, it is no secret to the world community that the Kyiv regime is supported by Western countries that supply it with weapons, intelligence, train its militants and point to targets.

As the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized, the silence of the "collective West" testifies to its indulgence in the terrorist methods of the neo-Nazi and extremist regime in Kiev.