Teller Report

The 4000th Yasha Race Concluded: More than 3,<> participants completed the desert trekking challenge in <> video

5/3/2023, 3:14:31 PM

Highlights: The 4000th Yasa Race concluded: more than 3,<> participants completed the desert trekking challenge in three days. The participants practiced the competition concept of "environmental protection, cooperation, persistence and responsibility" The participants achieved the goals of the team and themselves with the spirit of challenging themselves and surpassing the limit. The team won the runner-up and won the Sands Award, which is the best result in our history, and we are all proud of it. The first event was held in the Tengger Desert in 2012, the Yasha Race has been successfully held for eleven consecutive sessions, with more than 1,5 people directly participating.

The 4000th Yasa Race concluded: more than 3,<> participants completed the desert trekking challenge in three days

【Commentary】On May 5, the 2th Asia-Pacific Business School Desert Challenge (hereinafter referred to as Yasasai) ended perfectly in the Tengger Desert of the Alxa League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. More than 116,4000 participants from 3 well-known colleges and universities across the country completed the desert trekking competition after three days of fierce competition. These participating institutions cover Chinese mainland business schools and Chinese mainland branches of business schools in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia and North America.

Shi Zhenglong from Beijing took his son to participate in the parent-child project of this Yasha Race, hoping to hone the child's willpower through the competition.

【During the same period】Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management student Shi Zhenglong

This is a rare opportunity, I hope to take the child, on the one hand, it is a physical exercise, and on the other hand, for his willpower, this tenacity quality, I think it is also a good opportunity to improve.

【Commentary】Yasasai is a competitive experiential cultural competition specially held for MBA students of top business students in the Asia-Pacific region. The participants practiced the competition concept of "environmental protection, cooperation, persistence and responsibility" with practical actions, and achieved the goals of the team and themselves with the spirit of challenging themselves and surpassing the limit.

Meng Chao, a student at the National Institute of Development, Peking University

Especially in terms of our physical fitness, it is still a relatively big challenge, more is actually a spirit of never giving up, this time whether it is from the self-touch, including the appreciation of the beautiful scenery, is a great gain.

【Commentary】It is understood that this year's event has a total of 4 categories, namely 100 kilometers for super A team, 70 kilometers for A team B and 35 kilometers for C team, with Shagull First Flight Award, Best Organization Award, Influential College Award, Environmental Protection Public Welfare Award, Team Achievements, Individual Achievements and other awards.

【During the same period】Tongji University Business School student Xue Junyue

Our Tongji competition first won 4 women's individual awards, then 7 men's individual awards, then the team won the runner-up and won the Sands Award, which is the best result in our history, and we are all proud of it.

【Commentary】Since the first event was held in the Tengger Desert in 2012, the Yasha Race has been successfully held for eleven consecutive sessions, with more than 1,5 people directly participating in the event, and has been officially recognized by the World Record (WRCA) as the world's "largest desert trekking challenge", and has formed a highly influential desert challenge tourism brand in the world.

【During the same period】Cao Huijie, deputy director of Alxa Zuoqi Culture and Tourism Bureau

As of this year, more than 1,5 MBA students have participated directly

(Yashasay) has become an important carrier for us (the left banner of the Alashan League) to promote the integrated development of cross-border tourism and enhance the endogenous power of the cultural tourism industry. We will continue to optimize the development environment, stimulate the vitality and innovation of sports tourism market players, continue to launch the "sports + tourism" IP of the Tengger Desert, and constantly cultivate new momentum and new space for the development of the cultural tourism industry.

Reporting by Chen Feng, Song Jinwei, Li Zhi, and Alashan

Responsible Editor: [Li Ji]