Teller Report

Chad: the challenge of counting Sudanese refugees upon arrival

5/3/2023, 3:23:57 PM

Highlights: Tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians have fled the fighting to seek refuge in neighbouring countries. Chad already hosts more than 400,000 Sudanese who have arrived since the Darfur war began in 2003. The new arrivals are concentrated in the border village of Koufroun. The government and NGOs are trying to identify them, but for those who have lost their identity documents, patience is required before obtaining food aid. "They attacked us, they burned our houses, we couldn't do anything," says one refugee.

Tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians have fled the fighting to find refuge in neighbouring countries, including Chad, which already hosts more than 400,000 Sudanese who have arrived since the war.


Chad: the challenge of counting Sudanese refugees upon arrival

Audio 01:28

Amne Moustapha, a pregnant Sudanese refugee who fled violence in her country, with other refugees near the Sudan-Chad border, in Koufroun, April 28, 2023. REUTERS - MAHAMAT RAMADANE

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Tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians have fled the fighting to seek refuge in neighbouring countries, including Chad, which already hosts more than 400,000 Sudanese who have arrived since the Darfur war began in 2003. The new arrivals are concentrated in the border village of Koufroun. The government and NGOs are trying to identify them, but for those who have lost their identity documents, patience is required before obtaining food aid.


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With our special envoy in Koufroun, Carol Valade

Koufroun was only a small hamlet. It has turned into a makeshift camp that is rapidly expanding, populated by more than 20,000 Sudanese refugees, according to UNHCR.

Loaded with some baggage and painful memories, Zenab Adam Hassan lost two close relatives. "They attacked us, they burned our houses, we couldn't do anything, we couldn't save anything, not even our papers. Everyone took their children and started running to escape as far as possible.


Arrived a week ago, Zenab Adam does not yet have the precious bracelet that allows you to receive food aid... One child under each arm, the other six after him. She goes to meet Abdelmoumine Malhafiss, a census officer for the Chadian Red Cross and the National Commission for Refugees. "She says her house was burned, she even lost everything, her reference documents, but what I propose to her is to wait. After finishing with the people who have reference documents, we will try to review his case as well, "says the employee of the Chadian Red Cross.

« We are only at the beginning of the crisis »


Many of those who are attacked inside Sudan may not be able to leave the areas where they are, says Brice Degla, UNHCR's emergency coordinator. So I think we're only at the beginning of the crisis, and we'll be able to have bigger influxes in the coming days.


Koufroun concentrates the bulk of the refugees, but arrivals are also reported along the border.

This is the current situation on Sudan's borders with Chad and South Sudan. People fleeing the ongoing fighting urgently need shelter, safety and basic supplies.

— UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) May 3, 2023

► Read also: Sudan: refugees flock to neighboring countries that need help to welcome them, warns the UN

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