Teller Report

Another brother of Willy Valadés, the Cope fraudster, was also convicted of cheating with a false report against a PP politician

5/3/2023, 11:44:04 PM

Highlights: Willy Valadés has defrauded Paco González and company of 400,000 euros with an unproven cancer. His brother, Martín Francisco, was already convicted almost 20 years ago, in 2004, for another deception. As a detective, he fabricated in 1999, against a politician from Albacete, a report that turned out to be largely false. The detective was thus sentenced by the Provincial Court of Albacite to six months in prison, and had to compensate the politician.

Another brother of Willy Valadés, the Sports journalist of Cope who has defrauded Paco González and company 400,000 euros with an unproven cancer, was already convicted ...

Another brother of Willy Valadés, the Cope Sports journalist who has defrauded Paco González and company of 400,000 euros with an unproven cancer, was already convicted almost 20 years ago, in 2004, for another deception.

As a detective, Martín Francisco Valadés fabricated in 1999, against a politician from Albacete, a report that turned out to be largely false. The procedure against the politician, councilor in Albacete, was archived, and he later denounced Valadés for false denunciation. The detective was thus sentenced by the Provincial Court of Albacete to six months in prison, and had to compensate the politician, whose career ended with the simple denunciation.

Since 10 days ago the deception of Willy Valadés emerged, who spent a year making his teammates believe that he was dying of cancer and thus blew them 400,000 euros, the Cope Sports team has been wondering how he could swallow the hoax and hypothesizing about the possibility that his former partner was not alone in the operation of the scam. They were looking for family background in the situation.

EL MUNDO published last week that Carmen Valadés, Willy's older sister, was sentenced in 2013 to three and a half years in prison for staying 410,000 euros from a foreclosure procedure of the Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo, the bank she represented as a solicitor.

Now, this newspaper has in its possession the sentence of the Provincial Court of Albacete that condemned on December 1, 2004 Martín Francisco Valadés, detective with professional card 332, as the author of two crimes against privacy and slander, to six months in prison and nine months of fine.

Valadés, according to the facts given as proven by the Provincial Court, falsified much of the data of a report – also held by this newspaper – aimed at ending the career of Agustín Fernández, councilor of Urban Planning of Albacete. The detective had been hired to carry out that report by Comisiones Obreras in 1998, and had been paid for them, according to the file, 600,000 pesetas.

It was about uncovering that Fernández had charged money for favoring certain companies in public concessions. Thus, Valadés attributed to the mayor, reads the sentence -without absolute waste-, "the fictitious participation in a law firm", as well as an "equally false link to a company through a brother also false", and even "fictitious millionaire balances in several current accounts, some of them also false".

Fernández's 'fake' investment

That is to say: Valadés invented the link of Fernández with a professional office and with a society, he took out of the sleeve a brother of the mayor who never existed and gave him non-existent millionaire balances. But even more. He also placed a false investment of 100 million pesetas (600,000 euros) in the stock market, invented a link with a company with which the councilor had no link and falsified "consciously" that Fernández controlled "in the shadow" three other companies.

Valadés also accused "falsely" knowingly, sentenced the Justice, the councilor of Urbanism of Albacete of charging commissions and gifts for certain activities of his political work.

When the media - this newspaper among them - published the contents of that report in February 1999, a procedure was opened for alleged bribery that was archived a year later, in February 2000, when it was already evident that an overwhelming majority of the data included in the report were false, many of them with the knowledge of their author.

There it emerged, even, that many invoices presented by the detective were photocopies and that the originals would never appear – Valadés told the judge that they had arrived in an anonymous email. The Caja de Castilla La Mancha informed the judge that several money flows referred to by the detective were completely false. Valadés came to attribute to the mayor's wife the ownership of a BMW that in reality, by its license plate, was a Seat 127 that, to make matters worse, had been sold years before, in 1992. And so on.

The report, however, served its purpose. It ended the career of Agustín Fernández, who never returned to politics and whose professional career in law was also affected, although the courts finally agreed with him.

By the way, from where did Martín Francisco Valadés sign the false report that earned him 19 years ago six months of conviction for slander on the Albacete councilor Agustín Fernández? From the same floor in which Willy Valadés is hiding these days, the home of the parents of both in Bernardino Obregón street in Madrid. Repeating to some friends in WhatsApp chats, as this newspaper has been able to collect, that everything is true, that his illness is real and will be demonstrated.

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