Teller Report

7-hour emergency rescue Xi'an police rescue injured tourists in the Qinling mountains

5/3/2023, 6:03:41 AM

Highlights: Four tourists were playing in the Qinling Mountains because one of them accidentally fell and was injured, unable to walk, and trapped in the mountain. After 3 hours of emergency rescue, Xi'an High-tech Police and multiple departments finally helped tourists go down the mountain safely. After up to 7 hours of relay rescue, at 5:2 on May 0, four trapped people were safely escorted down themountain, of which three were in good physical condition and Sun with a broken leg was sent to the hospital for treatment.

(Reporter Zhang Yichen) The reporter learned from the Gaoxin Branch of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau on the 3rd that during the "May Day" holiday, four tourists were playing in the Qinling Mountains because one of them accidentally fell and was injured, unable to walk, and trapped in the mountains. At about 5 o'clock on May 1, the Caotang Police Station of the Gaoxin Branch of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau received an alarm from the masses, saying that he and his classmates went into the mountain from the Gaoguan Waterfall Scenic Area at 16 o'clock that day, and their companions were injured and could not go down the mountain, requesting rescue.

Xi'an, May 5 (Reporter Zhang Yichen) This reporter learned from the Gaoxin Branch of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau on the 3rd that during the "May Day" holiday, four tourists were playing in the Qinling Mountains because one of them accidentally fell and was injured, unable to walk, and trapped in the mountain. After 3 hours of emergency rescue, Xi'an High-tech Police and multiple departments finally helped tourists go down the mountain safely.

At about 5 o'clock on May 1, the Caotang Police Station of the Gaoxin Branch of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau received an alarm from the masses, saying that he and his classmates went into the mountain from the Gaoguan Waterfall Scenic Area at 16 o'clock that day, and their companions were injured and could not go down the mountain, requesting rescue. After receiving the police, the police calmed the policeman's emotions by phone and confirmed the location of their trap.

The picture shows rescuers preparing for rescue. Photo courtesy of the High-tech Branch of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau

It is understood that the trapped tourists are four students of a university in Xi'an, the "May Day" holiday met to go into the mountain to play, at about 15 o'clock on the same day on the way down one of the male classmates accidentally injured his leg, unable to go down the mountain on his own, because they were worried that they could not go down the mountain smoothly before dark, they finally chose to call the police for help.

In the process of rescue, due to the dense forest in the mountain and the steep slope slippery, the rescue team members fell many times, but considering the safety of the students, the rescue team members overcame many difficulties and found four trapped tourists at 20 o'clock on the same day, several of them were emotionally stable, and the rescuers simply treated the injured with leg fractures. Then organized them to go down the mountain, due to the rough road in the mountain, the weight of the injured, the rescue team members took turns to carry stretchers down the mountain extremely slowly, and finally after up to 7 hours of relay rescue, at 5:2 on May 0, four trapped people were safely escorted down the mountain, of which three were in good physical condition and Sun with a broken leg was sent to the hospital for treatment.

The picture shows rescue team members carrying stretchers down the mountain. Photo courtesy of the High-tech Branch of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau

Gaoguan Waterfall Scenic Area is located in the lower reaches of the Gaoguan River in the southeast of Xi'an City, is one of the "Seventy-two Mountains of Qinling", the mountain peak in the scenic area is steep, because the stone hat peak in it is like a giant wearing a high hat, people named the Yuhe Waterfall here after "Gaoguan".

Xi'an high-tech police said that entering the mountains to play must pay attention to travel safety, try to travel together during the play, some mountain roads are rugged and difficult, into the mountains must plan the route in advance, choose a mature tourist route to play, and pay attention to personal safety. (End)