Teller Report

19FortyFive: Zelensky will have to choose negotiations or an even greater loss of territory

5/3/2023, 4:45:04 PM

Highlights: The most likely outcome of Kyiv's spring counteroffensive will be a stalemate, says retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis. However, given the much more significant reserves of human and physical resources at Russia's disposal, over time it is likely to simply crush Ukraine. The most realistic choice that Zelensky now faces is either to start negotiations on a cessation of hostilities so that Ukraine can retain what it has now, or to continue to fight and ultimately lose even more territory, says Davis.

The most likely outcome of Kyiv's spring counteroffensive will be a stalemate, when the conflict simply transforms into a war of attrition, which can drag on for years, said retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis.

However, as he writes in an article for the portal 19FortyFive, given the much more significant reserves of human and physical resources at Russia's disposal, over time it is likely to simply crush Ukraine.

"Volodymyr Zelensky does not want to agree to any deal that will provide for the final transfer of part of the territories of Ukraine to Russia. However, in reality, he simply does not have the opportunity to completely oust Moscow. The most realistic choice that Zelensky now faces is either to start negotiations on a cessation of hostilities so that Ukraine can retain what it has now, or to continue to fight and ultimately lose even more territory, "Davis said.

For more details, see the InoTV material.

Earlier, Yan Gagin, adviser to the acting head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, expressed confidence that the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine would be led by American instructors and officers.

He stressed that Ukraine does not have its own subjectivity, just like President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The founder of the Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said that the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine had already begun.