Teller Report

Nearly 1,000 pairs of twins gathered in Mojiang, Yunnan for the "Twins Day"

5/1/2023, 7:03:42 AM

Highlights: From April 4 to May 30, nearly 5,2 pairs of twins from all over the world gathered in Mojianghani Autonomous County, Yunnan Province to celebrate the <>th China Mojiang Tropic of Cancer International Twin Festival and Hani Sun Festival. Located in southern Yunnan. Province and north of Pu'er City, Mojiang is the only Hani autonomous county in China, and the Tropic. of Cancer runs right through the center of the county. According to statistics, there are more than 1200,<> pairs of. twins living in the county seat of Mojiang and nearby villages, so Mojiang. is known as the "hometown of twins"

From April 4 to May 30, nearly 5,2 pairs of twins from all over the world gathered in Mojianghani Autonomous County, Yunnan Province to celebrate the <>th China Mojiang Tropic of Cancer International Twin Festival and Hani Sun Festival. Photo courtesy of Mojiang County Rong Media Center Located in southern Yunnan Province and north of Pu'er City, Mojiang is the only Hani autonomous county in China, and the Tropic of Cancer runs right through the center of the county.

Puer, May 5 (Cai Cancan, Yang Lisha) From April 1 to May 4, nearly 30,5 pairs of twins from all over the world gathered in Mojianghani Autonomous County, Yunnan Province to celebrate the 2th China Mojiang Tropic of Cancer International Twin Festival and Hani Sun Festival.

Amid the sound of gongs and drums, the Mojiang National Folk Art Team danced cheerfully and warmly welcomed the arrival of twins from all over the world in a unique way of the Hani people.

The picture shows twins Wang An and Ye Ho Mai from Chad, Africa. Photo courtesy of Mojiang County Rong Media Center

"I am Ye He Mai, and this is my Chinese name." "I am my brother, my Chinese name is Wang An, this is our first time to come to Mojiang, very happy, very honored." Twins Wang An and Ye Ho Mai from Chad, Africa, said happily.

"The Mojiang River has changed a lot, and as soon as I enter the county, I see the beautiful scenery of flowers blooming. This time we took the high-speed train to Mojiang, which is particularly convenient. Beijing twins Xiao Wei and Xiao Xin said this was their second visit to Mojiang.

The picture shows the twins taking a group photo. Photo courtesy of Mojiang County Rong Media Center

It is understood that the 12th China Mojiang Tropic of Cancer International Twins Festival and Hani Sun Festival invited world swimming champions Jiang Wenwen and Jiang Tingting as the spokespersons of the event, and solicited 21 pairs of foreign twins from <> countries and nearly <>,<> pairs of domestic twins to participate in the conference. At the same time, the classic activities of previous editions such as the Twin Theme Gala, Twin Style Parade, Gemini Talent Contest, Twin Friendship, and Twin Check-in will be comprehensively optimized and improved, with richer content and stronger participation, fully highlighting the unique charm of "Hani's Hometown", showing the unique Hani style and twin charm in multiple fields, forms and forms, allowing the majority of tourists to immerse themselves in the different colorful folk customs on the Tropic of Cancer.

The picture shows the people of Mojiang and twins from all over the world singing and dancing to celebrate the "Twin Day". Photo courtesy of Mojiang County Rong Media Center

Located in southern Yunnan Province and north of Pu'er City, the Mojiang River is the only Hani Autonomous County in China, and the Tropic of Cancer runs right through the county center. According to statistics, there are more than 1200,<> pairs of twins living in the county seat of Mojiang and nearby villages, so Mojiang is also known as the "hometown of twins". (End)