Teller Report

Artist Pugh Rogefeldt is dead

5/1/2023, 8:33:32 AM

Highlights: Torbjörn "Pugh" Rogefeldt had been ill for a long time and passed away on Monday. He had suffered from the incurable nerve disease corticobasal degeneration, CBD. The first time he noticed symptoms was before a gig at Cirkus in Stockholm in 2019, when he was to celebrate 50 years as an artist. He broke through with the album "Ja, dä ä dä" in 1969, which was one of the first rock albums in Swedish.

The artist Pugh Rogefeldt has died after a period of illness, says his partner Borit Hallin to Dagens Nyheter.

Torbjörn "Pugh" Rogefeldt had been ill for a long time and passed away during the night of Monday, says Borit Hallin to DN.

"It's been very hard during these years, I've been with him all the time," she says.

At the end of 2021, Rogefeldt announced that he is ending his music career. The reason was that he had suffered from the incurable nerve disease corticobasal degeneration, CBD. It is a disease that, among other things, can affect functions such as the ability to swallow, speech, memory and balance.

"Gotten worse for him"

The first time he noticed symptoms from the disease was before a gig at Cirkus in Stockholm in 2019, when Pugh Rogefeldt was to celebrate 50 years as an artist. Due to hand pain, guitarist Rogefeldt could not play his instrument during the concert evening.

"It has been getting worse for him for a very long time. Already during the concert at Cirkus, Tobbe could no longer play the guitar and after that his speech and movement skills slowly deteriorated, says Borit Hallin to DN.

Breakthrough in 1969

Torbjörn "Pugh" Rogefeldt broke through with the album "Ja, dä ä dä" in 1969, which was one of the first rock albums in Swedish, with Janne "Loffe" Carlsson on drums and Georg "Jojje" Wadenius on bass.

Rogefeldt has been behind several well-known songs such as "Small light clouds", "Here comes the night", "Dinga linga Lena" and "Stockholm.

Pugh Rogefeldt was 76.