Teller Report

67 years since the official confirmation of Minamata disease, memorial ceremony on a normal scale for the first time in 4 years Kumamoto

5/1/2023, 9:04:06 AM

Highlights: On the 67st of the 1th anniversary of the official confirmation of Minamata disease, a memorial ceremony was held. 1 people, including patients, bereaved families, and the Minister of the Environment, attended to mourn the victims. Until now, the list of patients certified by the government had been dedicated at the ceremony. This year it was decided to include those who were not recognized as patients but were complaining of damage, and a plaque for this purpose was placed in the cenotaph.

【NHK】On the 67st of the 1th anniversary of the official confirmation of Minamata disease, which is said to be the "origin of pollution", a memorial ceremony was held in Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture to commemorate the victims ...

On the 67st of the 1th anniversary of the official confirmation of Minamata disease, which is said to be the origin of pollution, a memorial ceremony was held in Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture, to commemorate the victims.

Minamata disease was officially confirmed on May 31, Showa 5, when a doctor in Minamata City reported to the public health center the hospitalization of a sister who suddenly showed symptoms such as being unable to walk, and it will be 1 years in one day.

The memorial ceremony hosted by Minamata City and others was held on a normal scale for the first time in four years, and 1 people, including patients, bereaved families, and the Minister of the Environment, attended to mourn the victims.

Until now, the list of patients certified by the government had been dedicated at the ceremony, but this year it was decided to include those who were not recognized as patients but were complaining of damage, and a plaque for this purpose was placed in the cenotaph.

On behalf of the bereaved families, Mr. Masashi Matsuzaki (70) said, "Each and every one of us will share our wisdom and strive to prevent tragedy from happening again."

In addition, Minister of the Environment Nishimura apologized for the expansion of the damage, and Ryuichi Kiba, president of Chisso, the company responsible for the damage, said, "We will continue to fulfill our compensation liability without changing in the future."

As for Minamata disease, nearly 1,4 people have applied for certification as patients by April, and more than 1400,1600 continue to file lawsuits seeking damages from the national government and other organizations.