Teller Report

The party of half a million (of four minors) in the notary's chalet

4/29/2023, 11:53:33 PM

Highlights: Four boys, aged 14, 15 and 17, set fire to a house in Castiello de Jaca (Huesca) on April 17, 2022. The fire was caused by four young people who, by then, were 14 -two of them aged 15. A year later, the Juvenile Court of Huesca has issued an "exemplary" sentence. For the crimes of home invasion and damages for serious imprudence, they must pay jointly and severally a total of 557,563 euros.

It was not the first time they entered an empty house in the area to make a bottle or hang out. It was a custom that a group of 13 young people had since the beginning...


Updated Sunday,30April2023-01:42

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It was not the first time they entered an empty house in the area to make a bottle or hang out. It was a custom that a group of 13 young people had since the beginning of 2022. The preferred home for the festivities was a mountain chalet located in Castiello de Jaca (Huesca), in the highest part of the town, near the church and with spectacular views. It was a "magazine" building, according to inhabitants of the area. Era... because it no longer exists.

Crónica went to the place to see what remains of that villa. A few stairs, a wooden path and a burnt fence remain in place. The fence that overlooked the main entrance is open, rusty and with remains of Civil Guard beacon tapes. The remains of the building were demolished a month and a half ago. Now there are only a few debris left among some spotlight, broken glass and flowers growing among the grass.

In that house, on the night of April 17, 2022, four boys made the most expensive party in town: a celebration that would end up costing more than half a million euros... to their parents. Just that day, Easter Sunday, the house burned in its particular hell and without the possibility of resurrecting. The fire was caused by four young people who, by then, were 14 -two of them-, 15 and 17 years old. One from the town, two arrived from the Basque Country to spend a few days camping with his family and another who spent the weekend in the village, invited by the boy resident of the area.

Now, a year later, the Juvenile Court of Huesca has issued an "exemplary" sentence that condemns the parents of the adolescents as civilly responsible for what happened. For the crimes of home invasion and damages for serious imprudence, they must pay jointly and severally a total of 557,563 euros to the owner of the incinerated house, a notary from Zaragoza who intends to lift it from its rubble.

The more than half a million euros corresponds to the total cost for the reconstruction of the house, as stipulated by two expert reports. In turn, it includes the expenses for the demolition of the building and its debris.

The youngest of the four convicted, Henry -fictitious name to protect his identity-, resides with his family in Castiello de Jaca, near number 13 of Calle del Arco -place where the house that was consumed by the flames was-.

The owner of the house – rather the low-debris lot it has become – bought the house in 2019. He used it as a second residence and resting place. He had not been to her for two months before the incident. As on other occasions, the boys took advantage of their absence to enter the home through the back door, which was made of glass, was broken and could be opened from the outside.

The sentence includes all the details of that night. Once inside, the second youngest broke with a stone the glass of the window of the cellar of the house. There, the four talked, smoked, filled wine glasses, toasted with them and bragged about daring on TikTok. The photos and videos published on social networks helped the Civil Guard to confirm the involvement of minors in the crime.


From the cellar they went to the top of the house. Henry carried a can of gasoline with him. He picked up a glass glass, poured the flammable liquid and set it on fire with a lighter. The other 14-year-old and the 17-year-old poured glasses of water, causing the flames to spread across a table. As a last attempt to stop the disaster, the 15-year-old threw a duvet, which burned and spread the fire further.

The fire got out of control and the four fled the house leaving it to burn. Local residents called the fire brigade. They worked all night, but the fire was already uncontrollable and the house was completely burned by the flames.

Exterior of the villa before being consumed by flames. TRANSFERRED

The Civil Guard began investigations under 'Operation Casarco' – a play on words between 'house' and 'arch', by the name of the street where it was located. In July 2022, the 13 young people who occupied empty residences for being under construction or being holiday homes were arrested for breaking and entering. Four of them are of legal age and the other nine, minors. Among the latter were the four who set fire to the villa, according to the investigation.

At the time of testifying, the minors argued that they did not know that they were entering a house without permission and that they thought it was abandoned. But the house was furnished, in perfect condition. In addition, it had electricity supply – the photos and videos that the boys took in the cellar were illuminated – and water supply – with which they tried to put out the fire.

Two of the children pointed to Henry as the arson. However, he denied it and indicated that at that time he was in the bathroom with another of the boys. The comrade who was allegedly with him in the service denied that alibi.

Cellar of the house before the incident. TRANSFERRED

The boys were convicted as criminally responsible, in addition to breaking and entering, for the crime of gross negligence, since, although Henry started the fire, the others did not prevent him from doing so. These are the sentences imposed by the judge for them: 12 months of probation for the two 14-year-olds, 12 months of attendance at a day center for the 15-year-old and six months of socio-educational tasks for the 17-year-old.

Corrective measures for minors were accepted. But the parents and their advocates oppose paying the money, saying it's too much and doesn't match the value of the home. According to the ruling, the defense considers that the adequate replacement value of the property is around 250,000 euros, an amount that would avoid an "unjust enrichment" of the owner.


Crónica tried to contact the defense team of the minors and their parents, lawyers Marco Navarro, María José Carretero, Joaquín de Goiburu and María Isabel Aldaz, but it was not possible. The first did not answer the calls, the second could not be contacted and the remaining two refused to talk about the case. All of them have appealed against the court decision requesting a reduction in the amount.

Lawyer Navarro stated earlier this week that the villa was acquired for 320,000 euros in 2019 and that now "it cannot be worth almost double". At the same time, he classified the four families, along with the owner, as "victims" of what happened. He explained that the relatives of the boys are "totally normal" and that the payment of that amount of money could ruin them.


Navarro also said that the fact that led to the burning of a house was "a little girl with broad criminal responsibility and broad civil liability," that the boys "did not intend to burn the house" and that "minors are not habitual criminals."

Crónica has spoken with some of the inhabitants of Castiello de Jaca to learn more about what happened and those involved. Neighbors of the area differ from the lawyer and share with us between murmurs the anecdotes that Henry and his family, residents of the place for at least three generations, accumulate. Mischief, hooliganism and crimes that contradict the argument that young people had not caused problems before.

Interior of the notary's dwelling before the fire. TRANSFERRED

According to some of the residents, it is a family that "everything bad, is always in that house." "No one wants them in the village," says a neighbor. They consider that "they have no shame" and that, if they did, they would have left the town long ago.

A group of neighbors say Henry's father has a background. In 2016 he was involved in an event that ended with the death of Daniel, a 27-year-old man. Daniel was hunting with friends, including Henry's father, when he was shot in the head. The investigation showed that it was a fortuitous accident and without intentionality. But since then, Daniel's family and Henry's family have been at odds.

Henry's father allegedly worked at a ski club. One day he was taking some children to a championship and, at a police checkpoint, they found drugs in the vehicle. For that reason, according to neighbors, he was fired.

Locals report that Henry has had several problems and wake-up calls at school. In the first quarter of the last course he missed 60 days. He used to bully his classmates, "smoked joints in class" and "set fire to the bins". Once, in the middle of an argument, Henry commented on a business that "I wish would catch fire."

They also state that Henry is the ringleader of the parties, "he is the guy who drags everyone else." He gathers his companions at a campsite in the area, located 900 meters from the incinerated house.

Not only did they used to make bottles on the street or in other people's homes. "They made bottles even in the village cemetery," according to a neighbor. Also, Henry and his friends have caused damage to other houses, such as breaking flower pots, doors and windows.

Some of the neighbors interviewed agree with the sentence because they believe that "what the children do has to be paid by the parents." They point out that Henry's family is not wealthy, but that they have properties that could be seized.

Plot with rubble where the house used to be. TONI GALÁN

We went to Henry's house to talk to his parents. We found his mother and asked her if they have the means to face the 139,390 euros they have to pay. "We don't want to talk. If you are so kind as to go out, please. You know where the door is," was his response before saying goodbye with a "thank you. Good day."

Crónica obtained images of the house in which the good condition of the property is appreciated, both inside and outside. As María Jesús Ferreruela, the owner's lawyer, affirms, "the patrimonial loss is important". What happened has been "very painful" for the owner. The lawyer emphasizes that they have not even requested compensation for moral damages.

To return to being that "magazine" chalet you need the money that must be paid by those responsible for civil servants. "Let it be very clear that there is no unjust enrichment. We don't want to get rich," Ferreruela emphasizes. The outcome of the defence's appeal remains to be known.

Meanwhile, the boys continue to organize bottles by Castiello de Jaca, mainly in an abandoned house. "They have not chastened", "this week they were all the same", "in Holy Week they went together", "they will make another" are some of the comments and omens that are heard in the town.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Saragossa
  • Civil Guard
  • Huesca
  • Fire