Teller Report

David Bisbal and his "machines": the peasant hero who sweeps against the ridiculous divinity of others

4/29/2023, 12:03:03 PM

Highlights: Bisbal is a hero without a cape who likes everyone, writes Ruben Navarrette. He exposed himself less, appeared just enough and won the loyalty of the fans, he adds. The secret is, as we have already seen, in the campechanía, that quality that could be defined as the proximity to the inferior from a position of privilege, he writes.Navarrette: There is no doubt that Bisbal was a singer more populachero than respected, with a zigzagging career.

In the same way that we no longer say until later Lucas and what happens nen, there will also come a day when we will not greet, with the straight size and the look of the tiger, with today...

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In the same way that we no longer say until later Lucas and what happens nen, there will also come a day when we will not greet, with the straight size and the look of the tiger, with the inevitable today how the machines are. Linguistic fashions burst, sweep and then languish as the odious expression is well. No occurrence or joke is eternal, and, even so, it is possible that David Bisbal is forever. Suddenly, crystallizes the consensus that will never have a single politician: the one who began as our Justin Timberlake will soon be our Keanu Reeves, he is a hero without a cape who likes everyone.

The secret is, as we have already seen, in the campechanía, that quality that could be defined as the proximity to the inferior from a position of privilege. Campechano is the god who comes down to earth and, unlike what Zeus did with Danae -a-, he has a beer with ordinary people, asks about the health of his parents and is interested in their mood. Are you okay? In short, it consists of not being a cretin, having a minimum of courtesy and understanding that fame has been obtained, like your first car or a flat, thanks to a loan: that of the affection of the plebs. Whoever understands that does not treat the fan with indifference or as if he were embittering his life, but takes a photo and does not leave the place until everyone is happy.

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About 20 years ago, I interviewed David Bisbal for this newspaper – just when Bulería was published – and even then I put him on an altar. Instead of being fearful, he walked into the Max Music room like a lifelong friend, chatted generously, even sang the chorus of the single – before it played on the radios! – and signed a photo for my parents. Had he been asked to cut a curl he would have rolled up: he never seemed to do things forcefully or foldedly. Some rehearse the pose and the smile, but the one they turn does not care if you get herpes. Bisbal, on the other hand, is one of those who would give you half a liver or a kidney for a transplant.

He did not always have unanimous appreciation, and this is important to remember. Many of the people who today praise his plainness, the one who remembers those occasions when he left the restaurants after closing time because he did not leave there without signing autographs or taking a portrait even with the pinche, is the same one that more than a decade ago expelled him from Twitter for the unfortunate message of the pyramids of Egypt: "The pyramids of Egypt have never been seen so little traveled, hopefully soon the revolt will end." There is no doubt that Bisbal was a singer more populachero than respected, with a zigzagging career in which he accumulated arbitrary duets with Rihanna and songs vaguely reminiscent of Paquito el Chocolatero. Years before, when he started dating Elena Tablada, Chenoa's fans called him Judas, and when the famous cobra many wanted to make him voodoo. Now Bisbal is superhuman, but then he was just a mortal, easy target for cybernetic lynchings and jokes.


At the same time, leaving some social networks worked that magic that in the series The Young Pope wanted to reserve for the pontiffs: seduction from the mystery. He exposed himself less, appeared just enough and won the loyalty of the fans one by one, giving them all the attention, at the opposite end of those stale footballers who do not sign the shirt to the children. And, suddenly, it is no longer the mothers or grandmothers who sustain their fandom, but the granddaughters and even Leticia Dolera. No marketing campaign can compare to a cordial greeting to people who have been waiting for a while and who, on top, take the extra of the machines, affectionate nickname superior to the trunk or the bro, because it is covered with reciprocal admiration. And for many that is worth more than a return from the Treasury.

It would therefore be necessary to distinguish between campechanía fetén and campechanía fatal. King Juan Carlos was called that not because he was, but because he seemed so: anyone can rehearse a green joke or an occurrence and give the feeling that he could get drunk with you on the weekend. But being a champion does not appear, but is sustained over time, it does not emanate bad vibes because it is part of the human quality, and not of the salary. What Spain now has with Bisbal is true love, because it is reciprocated and forever.

  • Latin Music
  • Singers
  • David Bisbal

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