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Xiamen plans to legislate to ban "low-headed people" on zebra lines-China News Network video

4/28/2023, 1:22:28 AM

Highlights: Xiamen plans to legislate to ban "low-headed people" on zebra lines. When pedestrians cross zebra crossings, they look down at their mobile phones while walking. Xiamen wants to pass legislation to guide pedestrians not to sit, stay, play, browse electronic devices or engage in other non-traffic activities when crossing zebra crossing. Traffic accidents onZebra crossings account for nearly 27% of traffic accidents in Xiaman. There are 20,2785 zebra. crossings in the city, and it has become a priority for pedestrians to cross.

Xiamen plans to legislate to ban "low-headed people" on zebra lines

When pedestrians cross zebra crossings, they look down at their mobile phones while walking, which is a phenomenon observed by a reporter from China News Agency at zebra crossings on some streets in Xiamen, Fujian Province on April 4. Relevant surveys show that traffic accidents on zebra crossings account for nearly 27% of traffic accidents in Xiamen. There are 20,2785 zebra crossings in Xiamen, and it has become a priority for pedestrians to cross zebra crossings without bowing their heads and brushing their mobile phones.

【During the same period】Tourist Peng Daokui

It may be that everyone is used to playing with mobile phones, so they can't get rid of this kind of mobile phone, and then they may be looking at their mobile phones all the time when walking.

【During the same period】Xiamen citizen Li Xiaoxue

If there is no traffic light in a place (zebra crossing), people walk over, in fact, the car is letting you, but you are still concentrating on your mobile phone, in fact, you are very sorry for yourself, how to say, too little attention to your own safety.

In mid-April, the Xiamen Special Economic Zone Zebra Crossing Safety Management Regulations (Draft) was submitted to the 4th meeting of the Standing Committee of the <>th Xiamen Municipal People's Congress for deliberation, which is the first local regulation on zebra crossing safety management in China. Xiamen wants to pass legislation to guide pedestrians not to sit, stay, play, browse electronic devices or engage in other non-traffic activities when crossing zebra crossings.

【During the same period】 Deputy to the People's Congress of Siming District, Xiamen City, and Lin Yanbin, a volunteer traffic police officer of Siming District, Xiamen City

Looking down at the mobile phone to cross the street is still quite a lot, although now everyone is true, young people are working very hard and hard, yes, busy with work, but then, the zebra crossing is also our lifeline.

Lin Yanbin, who has served as a volunteer traffic police officer for more than a year since 2022, when maintaining traffic order, sometimes sees pedestrians looking down at their mobile phones, she told the China News Agency reporter that the average walking speed of "low-headed people" will be 16% to 33% slower than other pedestrians, which not only easily leads to accidents, but also often obstructs traffic due to "slow swallowing".

【During the same period】 Deputy to the People's Congress of Siming District, Xiamen City, and Lin Yanbin, a volunteer traffic police officer of Siming District, Xiamen City

We, as a volunteer traffic police, we can only persuade when we are cooperating, so if we can pass this legislation and then carry out some regulations, then I think it is helpful to this and put an end to this situation.

【Commentary】Zebra crossing is a life safety line and an urban civilization line. For Xiamen's proposed regulations to control the "low-headed people" of zebra crossings, many citizens, tourists and scholars expressed support for the early implementation.

【During the same period】Xiamen citizen Wu Qiang

It is very good for the prevention of traffic accidents, and I think this law is very practical.

Chen Weixing, director of the Joint Research Center for Maritime Silk Justice, Huaqiao University, professor of law

This legislation is a very warm legislation, why say so, because many intersections are still allowed to turn right vehicles, then at this time for these may still be there, think that after the green light can swipe the mobile phone to cross the road of this kind of pedestrians, virtually also increased a lot of safety risks, so I think this legislation is actually a "father's love" legislation, as far as our law talks about the law "fatherhood", is to pass legislation so that this pedestrian can also attract this aspect of attention accordingly.

【Commentary】The "motion on carrying out zebra crossing traffic safety legislation" was first put forward by ten deputies to the Xiamen People's Congress on the basis of a large number of field research in the early stage, giving full play to the role of deputies in participating in legislation, Professor Chen Weixing of Huaqiao University said in a telephone interview with a reporter from China News Agency that the close combination of the handling of deputies' motions with the formulation of regulations, starting from a small incision, its legislative value is worth promoting.

Chen Weixing, director of the Joint Research Center for Maritime Silk Justice, Huaqiao University, professor of law

This time the legislation I think the focus or entry point is very accurate, that is, very small. Based on their own life practice and combined with their own performance functions, people's congress deputies exercise his rights as a people's congress deputy, and transform it into this kind of legislation that is beneficial to society, I think this form is worth promoting, it can get this transformation quickly and effectively, then undoubtedly promote this efficiency of our legislation, from this point of view, I think this is also a good attempt.

It is reported that the "Xiamen Special Economic Zone Zebra Crossing Safety Management Regulations (Draft)" is under review, and relevant people from the Standing Committee of the Xiamen Municipal People's Congress said that after the first instance, more in-depth investigation and study will be carried out in combination with the opinions of all parties, and a wider range of opinions and suggestions will be listened to, and the draft will be further revised and improved, and strive to formulate the regulations well.

Reporter Li Siyuan reported from Xiamen, Fujian

Responsible Editor: [Luo Pan]