Teller Report

Pedro Sánchez triumphs with Lula da Silva's followers: "Who is that handsome boy?"

4/26/2023, 6:11:56 PM

Highlights: Pedro Sánchez and Lula da Silva have met this morning to "try to end the war in Ukraine" The hangover of the meeting has left a unique tweet. The Brazilian president has written in his profile a battery of predictable reflections. But the magic of his comment has been the responses he has received, such as "paella is exported to Brazil". None have been appreciated by the Brazilian president except the one that places Pedro SánChez as Mr Handsome: "Who is that handsome boy?"

The Prime Minister continues his meetings with international leaders. Pedro Sánchez and Lula da Silva met this morning to "try to put an end to...

  • Opinion The image of Pedro Sánchez: handsome, but something else?
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The Prime Minister continues his meetings with international leaders. Pedro Sánchez and Lula da Silva have met this morning to "try to end the war in Ukraine" and the hangover of the meeting has left a unique tweet.

The Brazilian president has written in his profile a battery of predictable reflections, in the political and friendly line about this meeting: "We want to build an even stronger union with Spain than the one that already exists. We will work together to improve our countries and help improve the world." He has added two emojis with both flags. And that's it.

But the magic of his comment has been the responses he has received, such as "paella is exported to Brazil". None have been appreciated by the Brazilian president except the one that places Pedro Sánchez as Mr Handsome: "Who is that handsome boy? Add his Twitter profile." To which da Silva has replied with the name of Sánchez in the social network.

It is not the first time nor will it be the last. Mr Handsome even has his own Twitter account, and this anonymous person who thanks Sánchez's physique daily, has celebrated the gesture of the Brazilian president: "Lula da Silvia, new presenter of First Dates".

  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Brazil

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