Teller Report

"100 days of appeasement": what to remember from the roadmap unveiled by Elisabeth Borne

4/26/2023, 11:13:11 AM

Highlights: Emmanuel Macron during his speech put forward a whole social program called "100 days of appeasement and action" Three projects are priorities for the executive: work, republican order and "progress"; headed by Matignon's host, Élisabeth Borne. Executive abandons immigration law in the immediate future, for lack of majority. The presentation of a "full employment" bill is scheduled for early June. Pôle emploi will be replaced by a new organization called "France travail" New measures to combat cyberbullying will be put in place.

Following the Council of Ministers, Elisabeth Borne unveiled the long-awaited "roadmap" which details the program of the "100 days of appeasement and action" wanted by Emmanuel Macron after the pension reform. It presents a "legislative agenda" for "concrete solutions". Europe 1 takes stock.

Europe 1 with AFP 13:00 p.m., April 26, 2023, modified at 13:05 p.m., April 26, 2023

Following the Council of Ministers, Elisabeth Borne unveiled the long-awaited "roadmap" which details the program of "100 days of appeasement and action" wanted by Emmanuel Macron after the pension reform. It presents a "legislative agenda" for "concrete solutions". Europe 1 takes stock.

What to expect for the government's proposals until July 14? To appease spirits following the promulgation of the highly contested pension reform, Emmanuel Macron during his speech put forward a whole social program called "100 days of appeasement and action". Three projects are priorities for the executive: work, republican order and "progress"; headed by Matignon's host, Élisabeth Borne.

Executive abandons immigration law in the immediate future

The latter, following the Council of Ministers, unveiled its roadmap. The Prime Minister announced that she wanted to "build a new social agenda to develop a pact for life at work", which corresponds to the announcements made by the Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt, on Monday. The presentation of a "full employment" bill is scheduled for early June. In this context, Pôle emploi will be replaced by a new organization called "France travail". A "green industry" bill will also be presented in mid-May.

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Regarding the "republican order" component, Elisabeth Borne announces the opening of 200 new gendarmerie brigades. Finally, new measures to combat cyberbullying will be put in place. In the course of these announcements, the Prime Minister still made an admission of weakness: the "immigration law" which was to be the next major project of the executive, will not be presented immediately, for lack of majority. This latest announcement postpones to the autumn a hypothetical text with vague contours.

"Today, there is no majority to vote for such a text, as I was able to verify yesterday by talking with the leaders of the Republicans," she said in presenting her roadmap. To show that the executive acts on this "priority" without waiting for a law, she announced the mobilization "next week" of "150 additional police and gendarmes in the Alpes-Maritimes" to "face increased migratory pressure at the Italian border".