Teller Report

The maximum temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, and many countries in Southeast Asia have suffered from high temperature and heat waves

4/25/2023, 8:32:26 PM

Highlights: Since April, an extreme heat wave has swept through most countries and regions in Southeast Asia. The temperature in many places has exceeded 4 degrees Celsius, setting new records for the highest temperature in the same period in history. A number of climate experts that this round of hot weather is caused by climate change and global warming. Let's listen to the feelings of the reporter of the main station in Thailand and Malaysia. In Thailand, the temperature in Thailand has been rising in the past eight years and is considered to be the hottest period in 145 years.

Since April, an extreme heat wave has swept through most countries and regions in Southeast Asia, and the temperature in many places has exceeded 4 degrees Celsius, setting new records for the highest temperature in the same period in history. Reporter observation丨Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur high temperature continues, people stay at home to escape the summer station reporter Yan Shu: I am now located in the center of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, and it is currently more than three o'clock in the afternoon local time.

Since April, an extreme heat wave has swept through most countries and regions in Southeast Asia, and the temperature in many places has exceeded 4 degrees Celsius, setting new records for the highest temperature in the same period in history. So, how hot is it in Thailand and Malaysia? Let's listen to the feelings of the reporter of the main station.

Reporter observation丨Rare Many places in Thailand feel that the temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius

Yang Tanli: According to Thai media reports, the temperature in Thailand has been rising in the past eight years and is considered to be the hottest period in 145 years. This year is the hottest year in the past eight years, especially in Thailand, the hottest April of the year, with temperatures exceeding 4 degrees Celsius in many places and feeling temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius, frequently breaking historical records.

Yang Tanli, reporter of the main station: In my personal experience, the last time I went out to shoot, I stood in the sun for 20 minutes, and everyone saw that my face became red and swollen in the camera. So this time I specifically chose the riverside, some tall buildings to shelter, but standing for a while and my body was full of sticky sweat.

Reporter observation丨Malaysia: The high temperature in Kuala Lumpur continues, and people stay at home to escape the heat

Yan Shu: I am now located in the center of Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, and it is currently more than 33 o'clock in the afternoon local time. The weather forecast shows that the local temperature is about 34 to 34 degrees Celsius. However, because the local climate is very humid, the actual temperature is much higher than <> degrees Celsius. I don't know if you can see in the camera that the clothes on my chest, this shirt, and the clothes on my back are all soaked. And I only walked for five minutes on the road. The local meteorological department has issued a high temperature warning, advising local people to stay at home during the noon and afternoon hot hours, go out less and drink more water. As you can see, the lot around me is actually a very crowded area, and it is usually bustling. People also stay at home according to the advice of the weather department, and we rarely see pedestrians walking on the road. There are not many vehicles either.

Yan Shu, reporter of the main station: A small number of people who travel during this time often wear headscarves or umbrellas. As I walked all the way, the road was almost empty, and I couldn't see any pedestrians.

The hottest April day in Southeast Asia or caused by climate change

What is the reason for this extreme heat wave in Southeast Asia? And what harm will it bring?

In Bangkok, Thailand, the heat of the heat makes locals complain.

Bangkok citizen: I can only go out in the morning and evening, and stay at home the rest of the time.

Bangkok citizen: This year is the hottest year, I am almost 70 years old, I have lived here since I was 12 years old, and I have never seen such a hot day.

The hot weather in the past few days has also brought severe tests to many outdoor workers.

Local cleaner in Bangkok: This year has been unusually hot, hotter than any previous year, which makes my job more difficult. I felt like I could pass out at any moment because my uniform was thick and the weather was hot, and I had to clean quite a long way.

Rare high temperature weather has brought many inconveniences to the work and life of people in many Southeast Asian countries. A number of climate experts said that this round of hot weather is caused by climate change and global warming.

Matini Yuyuneng, researcher in oceanography and climate change at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand: The current rare high temperature weather is caused by climate change and is an extreme weather phenomenon.

David Caroli, professor at the University of Melbourne, Australia: Climate change increases the risk of extreme heat weather, making heat waves more frequent and intense.

Meteorological experts: be wary of excessive ozone concentrations

American meteorological expert Matthew Capucci said that the recent adverse meteorological conditions such as strong sunshine, high temperature, less cloudiness, weak wind, and less rainfall in Southeast Asian countries may accelerate the photochemical reaction, causing ozone concentration to exceed the standard, and relevant countries should be vigilant.

It is understood that the harm of ozone to human health is mainly reflected in the stimulation and damage to the respiratory system; Among them, the elderly over 65 years old, preschoolers, sports people and women are more affected.

Climatologists: The average global temperature this year and next year may reach a new high

Climatologists at the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said on the 20th that due to climate change and the expected return of El Niño weather phenomena, the global average temperature may reach a new high in 2023 or 2024.