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Russia: opening of the trial of Yevgeny Roizman, former mayor of Yekaterinburg

4/25/2023, 11:11:43 PM

Highlights: Yevgeny Roïzman has been under house arrest since the end of August. He is the last known opponent to have remained on Russian soil to be tried. The former mayor of Yekaterinburg must also be tried for "discrediting" the army. He had shouted from his balcony all the evil he thought of what he refuses to call "a special operation in Ukraine" His trial opens on Wednesday, April 26, and he could face many years behind bars.

He is the last known opponent to have remained on Russian soil to be tried. Yevgeny Roïzman has been under house arrest since the end of August, also banned from expressing himself publicly, including on...

Russia: opening of the trial of Yevgeny Roizman, former mayor of Yekaterinburg

Yevgeny Roizman leaves a detention centre after serving his 14-day prison sentence for sharing "extremist" symbols in Yekaterinburg on March 30, 2023. His trial opens on Wednesday 26 April. AFP - ANNA YURIEVA

Text by: Anissa El Jabri Follow

1 min

He is the last known opponent to have remained on Russian soil to be tried. Yevgeny Roïzman had been under house arrest since the end of August, also banned from expressing himself publicly, including on social networks. The former mayor of Yekaterinburg passes this Wednesday, April 26 before the judges. He must also be tried for "discrediting" the army.


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During his spectacular arrest, led by a dozen men in fatigues, balaclavas and bulletproof vests. He had shouted from his balcony all the evil he thought of what he refuses to call "a special operation in Ukraine".

The former mayor of Yekaterinburg had used all the words that Russian law prohibits. "I will keep repeating them," he said from his balcony when police arrived at his home. These words were beeped during the broadcast of his arrest on Russian television.

Several times fined for his critical and sometimes pithy posts on social networks, Yevgeny Roïzman risks this time many years behind bars.

>> READ ALSO: Russia: Roïzman, last great voice of the opposition, arrested for having "discredited the army"

Already sentenced to eight and a half years for discrediting the army, Ilya Yashin will soon be transferred to another prison. Before making this trip, it is unknown when and for where, he posted this message on social networks. Excerpt: "I will lose touch with the outside world for a while. Until I get there, neither my lawyer nor my relatives will know where I am. Before that, I'm going to make a little statement." Ilya Yashin then said in particular to be "emotionally stable" and have "no intention of committing suicide" before adding "but everything will be fine".

>> READ ALSO: Trial of the Russian opponent Ilya Yashin: "A case to silence him"

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