Teller Report

Hear three Eskilstuna residents about their personal finances

4/25/2023, 5:32:13 PM

Highlights: Food prices are the spending increase that affects people's personal finances most negatively right now. This is shown by an opinion poll recently conducted by the polling institute Kantar Public. In East Central Sweden, 63% answered yes, 34% no and 3% were doubtful or did not know. However, it seems that people are generally not particularly concerned about personal finances because when asked "How worried are you about the following? That the money should not be enough for necessary expenses" answered 42% in East Central Swedish "Not at all worried", and 45% gave the answer "Not very worried"

Food prices are the spending increase that affects people's personal finances most negatively right now, followed by electricity prices, fuel prices and mortgage rates. This is shown by an opinion poll recently conducted by the polling institute Kantar Public.

The people who participated in the survey answered the question of whether they have changed their purchases and behaviors in the past year to reduce their food costs. In East Central Sweden, which includes Sörmland, 63% answered yes, 34% no and 3% were doubtful or did not know.

However, according to the survey, it seems that people are generally not particularly concerned about personal finances because when asked "How worried are you about the following? That the money should not be enough for necessary expenses" answered 42% in East Central Sweden "Not at all worried", and 45% gave the answer "Not very worried". Only 4% in East Central Sweden responded that they were very worried.

1002 people between the ages of 18-79 participated in the survey conducted by Kantar Public.

In the clip you hear three people in Eskilstuna about what affects their personal finances the most.