Teller Report

Diplomat Logvinov: The EU is driving itself into isolation, dividing the world on the basis of its attitude towards Russia and China

4/25/2023, 2:41:37 PM

Highlights: The European Union is trying to divide all countries of the world into "us" and "them" on the basis of their attitude towards Russia and China, says Acting Russian Permanent Representative to the European Union Kirill Logvinov. The EU is currently developing measures aimed at strengthening relations with Brazil, Chile, Nigeria and Kazakhstan. Earlier, Politico columnist Jacopo Barigazzi said that the European EU was trying to improve relations with several countries in order to win them over to its side.

The European Union is driving itself into final isolation, trying to divide all countries of the world into "us" and "them" on the basis of their attitude towards Russia and China, said Acting Russian Permanent Representative to the European Union Kirill Logvinov.

Writes about it TASS.

According to Logvinov, while the UN Security Council in New York was discussing the formation of a multipolar world, Brussels, contrary to the objective processes taking place today in the international arena, proclaimed a policy of "planned construction of unipolarity."

"If yesterday the division into "us" and "them" was carried out on the basis of unconditional support for the Western course in Ukraine, now another criterion for "professional suitability" is the policy towards China," he said.

Earlier, Politico columnist Jacopo Barigazzi said that the European Union is trying to improve relations with several countries in order to win them over to its side.

Euractiv, citing an internal EU document, reported that the European Union is currently developing measures aimed at strengthening relations with Brazil, Chile, Nigeria and Kazakhstan against the backdrop of confrontation with Russia and China.