Teller Report

China calls for a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the question of Palestine with the greatest sense of urgency

4/25/2023, 11:21:43 PM

Highlights: Zhang Jun said that in the past few years, every month of Ramadan, the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories has further affected the nerves of the whole world. Violence in the West Bank has intensified, with frequent tensions in East Jerusalem and Gaza. The international community cannot become accustomed to this and cannot let it go unchecked, but must increase its investment and action to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the question of Palestine. China urges Israel to comply with the requirements of UNSCR 2334 and earnestly cease all settlement activities.

Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, spoke at the open meeting of the Security Council on the Middle East question of Palestine on the 25th, calling on the international community to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue with the greatest sense of urgency. In order to fundamentally break the cycle of violence and establish lasting peace, equal attention must be paid to the legitimate security concerns of both sides and the two sides must be encouraged to achieve common security through dialogue and negotiation.

United Nations, 4 Apr (ZXS) -- Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said in a statement at the Security Council's open meeting on the question of Palestine in the Middle East on 25 April, calling on the international community to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue with the greatest sense of urgency.

On the same day, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Vinnezlan, gave a briefing saying that the violence and incitement in the Palestinian-Israeli region in the past few weeks are deeply worrying, especially the violent confrontation that occurred in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem earlier this month. He urged all parties concerned to exercise restraint, curb acts of provocation and incitement, cease unilateral actions, re-engage and work together to achieve peace.

Zhang Jun said that in the past few years, every month of Ramadan, the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories has further affected the nerves of the whole world. Violence in the West Bank has intensified, with frequent tensions in East Jerusalem and Gaza. The international community cannot become accustomed to this and cannot let it go unchecked, but must increase its investment and action to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the question of Palestine with the greatest sense of urgency. He also emphasized the following four points:

First, we must reject violence and incitement and seek common security. China condemns all acts of violence against civilians and calls on all parties to exercise calm and restraint and to put an end to all kinds of radical and provocative words and deeds. Palestine and Israel are neighbours that cannot be moved, and the security of one cannot be based on the insecurity of the other. In order to fundamentally break the cycle of violence and establish lasting peace, equal attention must be paid to the legitimate security concerns of both sides and the two sides must be encouraged to achieve common security through dialogue and negotiation.

Secondly, we must stop unilaterally changing the status quo and earnestly uphold the international rule of law. China urges Israel to comply with the requirements of UNSCR 2334 and earnestly cease all settlement activities. At the same time, it should be noted that unilateral measures to change the status quo in Jerusalem are null and void. China calls for earnest respect for the status quo of the historical formation of religious holy sites in Jerusalem and Jordan's jurisdiction over them.

Thirdly, people's livelihood must be guaranteed and Palestinian economic development promoted. Israel should ease and lift unreasonable restrictions on the movement of people and goods and the use of land in the occupied territories, create conditions for the development of Palestinian communities in the West Bank and lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip as soon as possible. The international community should also provide assistance to Palestine through multiple channels to help Palestine alleviate its financial crisis and ensure public services. China will continue to provide humanitarian and development assistance to Palestine within its capacity and increase its support for the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.

Fourth, we must adhere to the "two-state solution" and promote the resumption of peace talks. Facts have repeatedly proved that piecemeal crisis management is not sustainable, let alone a substitute for comprehensive and just solutions. Saudi Arabia and Iran recently resumed diplomatic relations through dialogue, setting an example for resolving differences through dialogue. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang recently spoke by telephone with the Palestinian and Israeli foreign ministers, saying that China encourages Israel and Palestine to show political courage and take steps towards resuming peace talks on the basis of the "two-state solution." China is willing to facilitate this. China expects the international community to step up coordination, take substantive steps and make unremitting efforts to promote the resumption of Palestinian-Israeli talks and implement the two-state solution. (End)