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Xi Jinping accepted the credentials of foreign ambassadors to China

4/24/2023, 11:51:27 PM

Highlights: Chinese President Xi Jinping accepted the presentation of credentials by 24 ambassadors to China at the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of 24 April. They are: Ambassador of Mongolia to China Badler, Ambassador of Guyana to China Zhou Yaxin and Ambassador of Barbados to China Henry. The envoys crossed the banner array and walked up the white jade steps. Xi Jinping asked the envoys to convey his best wishes to the leaders and people of their respective countries, organizations, and people. He also received SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming.

Beijing, 4 Apr (ZXS) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping accepted the presentation of credentials by 24 ambassadors to China at the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of 24 April.

In Beijing in April, the spring breeze is gentle and everything is shining. Escorted by the motorcycle team, the envoys arrived at the north gate of the Great Hall of the People one after another. The ceremonial soldiers were lined up on both sides, and the trumpeter blew the trumpet to welcome the guests. The envoys crossed the banner array and walked up the white jade steps.

In front of the huge mural "Jiangshan So Many Jiao", Xi Jinping accepted the envoys to present their credentials and took photos with them one by one.

They are: Ambassador of Mongolia to China Badler, Ambassador of Guyana to China Zhou Yaxin, Ambassador of Barbados to China Henry, Ambassador of El Salvador to China Alvarez, Austrian Ambassador to China Likken, Icelandic Ambassador to China Ibrais, Mexican Ambassador to China Ĺ ard, Finnish Ambassador to China Meng Lan, Monaco Ambassador to China Ma Sisong, Seychelles Ambassador to China La Fortina, Ghanaian Ambassador to China Hammond, Bahrain Ambassador to China Shehu, Comoros Ambassador to China Maulana, Trinidad and Tobago Ambassador to China Liu Na, Malawi Ambassador to China Chintaiza, Algerian Ambassador to China Labeshi, Serbian Ambassador to China Stefanovic, Uzbekistan Ambassador to China Artiev, Congolese Ambassador to China Balumuene, US Ambassador to China Burns, Indian Ambassador to China Luo Guodong, Kiribati Ambassador to China Tiab, Yemeni Ambassador to China Metami, Kazakhstan Ambassador to China Nureshev, Venezuelan Ambassador to China Yove Radar, Syrian Ambassador to China Hassanneh, Niger Ambassador to China Seni, German Ambassador to China Fu Rong, Samoan Ambassador to China Marina, Saudi Ambassador to China Halabi, South Korean Ambassador to China Jung Jae-ho, Nepalese Ambassador to China Schrestad, Senegalese Ambassador to China Syra, Congo Ambassador to China Nianga, Brazilian Ambassador to China Gao Wang, Ugandan Ambassador to China Veneca, South Sudan Ambassador to China Mondai, Cyprus Ambassador to China Mavromati, Lesotho Ambassador to China Rabale, Swiss Ambassador to China Ruiyi Bar, Bahamian Ambassador to China Bethel, Estonian Ambassador to China Han Shuo, Egyptian Ambassador to China Hanafi, Sudanese Ambassador to China Sadigh, Russian Ambassador to China Morgulov, Canadian Ambassador to China Mei Qianlin, Portuguese Ambassador to China Nascimento, Botswana Ambassador to China Serema, Bangladesh Ambassador to China Uddin, Kyrgyzstan Ambassador to China Musayeva, Slovakian Ambassador to China Lizak, New Zealand Ambassador to China Maury, Myanmar Ambassador to China Ding Maung Swe, Greek Ambassador to China Karpelis, Cape Verde Ambassador to China Dorosario, Guinean Ambassador to China Coita, Maltese Ambassador to China Hanxuan Bai, Chilean Ambassador to China Urtado, Suriname Ambassador to China Zhang Bifen, Philippine Ambassador Jimmy, Colombian Ambassador to China Cabrera, Ethiopian Ambassador to China Tafera, French Ambassador to China Bai Yutang, Peruvian Ambassador to China Balareso, Turkish Ambassador to China Moussa, Vanuatu Ambassador to China Lai Yueyang, Burundian Ambassador to China Ilambona, Chadian Ambassador to China Harina, San Marino Ambassador to China Galassi, Head of the EU Delegation to China Yaoxu. Xi Jinping also received SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming.

After the ceremony of presenting credentials, Xi Jinping delivered a collective speech to the envoys in the Beijing Hall.

Xi Jinping asked the envoys to convey his best wishes to the leaders and people of their respective countries, organizations, and people, pointing out that China is willing to deepen friendship and expand mutually beneficial cooperation with the peoples of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and promote the continuous development of bilateral relations. It is hoped that the envoys will have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of China, and be messengers of friendship and bridges of cooperation. The Chinese Government will provide support and facilitation to the envoys in the performance of their duties.

Xi Jinping stressed that in the past three years, China has adhered to the principle of putting people and lives first, and has gone through an extraordinary process of fighting the epidemic. In this process, China has received sincere help from many countries and peoples, and we have fully supported the global fight against the epidemic with practical actions, practiced the concept of a community of human health with other countries, and tightened the bond of mutual assistance and common destiny. China has embarked on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and will comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. China will adhere to the path of peaceful development, adhere to the basic national policy of opening up, firmly pursue the strategy of opening up for mutual benefit and win-win results, and create more opportunities for the world with its own development. China is willing to work with the international community to promote the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, advocate the common values of all mankind, promote mutual understanding among peoples of all countries, jointly address various global challenges, and make continuous progress towards building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Wang Yi and Qin Gang participated in the above activities. (End)