Teller Report

Sudan: Chad faces an influx of refugees fleeing fighting in Darfur

4/24/2023, 9:41:59 PM

Highlights: Refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan continue to flow into Chad as fighting continues. Among those who want to cross to the Chadian side, civilians are not the only ones: soldiers of the regular army also defect. Trucks carrying aid from the UN World Food Programme (WFP) from the capital N'Djamena could arrive in the area later in the day. The NGO Première Urgence has deployed a mobile clinic in the border village of Koufroun for ten days.

Refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan continue to flow into Chad as fighting continues, particularly in the West Darfur region, a few kilometres from the Chadian border.

Sudan: Chad faces an influx of refugees fleeing fighting in Darfur

The Sudanese refugee camp of Moura-Kouchaguine, near Abéché in eastern Chad, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 © Carole Valade/RFI

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1 min

Refugees fleeing the conflict in Sudan continue to flow into Chad as fighting continues, particularly in the West Darfur region, a few kilometres from the Chadian border. And among those who want to cross to the Chadian side, civilians are not the only ones: soldiers of the regular army also defect.


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With our correspondent in N'Djamena, Carol Valade

Several sources report intense fighting on Monday (April 24th) in the Sudanese town of El Geneïna, capital of West Darfur and located less than 40 kilometers from the Chadian border.

Humanitarians are therefore preparing for a new influx of refugees. Trucks carrying aid from the UN World Food Programme (WFP) from the capital N'Djamena could arrive in the area later in the day. The NGO Première Urgence has deployed a mobile clinic in the border village of Koufroun for ten days.


Two nurses consulted more than a thousand patients, including many pregnant women and malnourished children " says Dr. Christelle Fallone.

Civilians are not the only ones crossing the border: new soldiers from the regular Sudanese army continue to defect. They are now nearly 500 who have taken refuge on the Chadian side before being disarmed and cantoned in the town of Adré, a local source told RFI.

Finally, humanitarian aid workers and UN staff are also leaving Darfur: 64 of them were evacuated by road to the town of Abéché in eastern Chad, before reaching the capital.

► READ ALSO: Sudan: African countries launch in turn repatriation operations on the tenth day of fighting

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