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Progress of the situation in Russia and Ukraine: Russian Foreign Minister will attend Security Council meeting The first "Patriot" missile battalion is ready in Ukraine

4/24/2023, 7:21:57 PM

Highlights: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has arrived in New York, and he will attend a meeting of the UN Security Council on 24 and 24 April local time. Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson: The first "Patriot" air defense missile battalion has entered combat readiness duty in Ukraine. Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenja, said that the Russian side has accumulated a considerable number of discussion topics. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: No plans to meet with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at present.

Comprehensive news: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has arrived in New York, and he will attend the United Nations Security Council meeting on the 24th and 25th local time. Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson: The first "Patriot" air defense missile battalion has entered combat readiness duty in Ukraine According to the Ukrainian News Agency, Ukrainian Air Force Command spokesman Yuri Ignat announced on the 23rd that the first "Patriot" air defense missile battalion has officially entered combat readiness duty in Ukraine.

Beijing, 4 Apr (ZXS) -- Comprehensive news: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has arrived in New York, and he will attend a meeting of the UN Security Council on 24 and 24 April local time. Yuri Ignat, spokesman of the Ukrainian Air Force Command, announced on the 25rd that the first "Patriot" anti-aircraft missile battalion has officially entered combat readiness duty in Ukraine.

The Russian Foreign Minister will attend a meeting of the UN Security Council

According to TASS news agency, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova said on the 24th that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has arrived in New York, and he will participate in the United Nations Security Council meeting on the 24th and 25th.

Lavrov is expected to hold talks with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Earlier, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenja, said that the Russian side has accumulated a considerable number of discussion topics.

Lavrov also invited senior U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to a meeting of the U.N. Security Council chaired by the Russian side. Lavrov said that the Russian side is considering meeting with Blinken and does not reject the serious dialogue proposal put forward by the American side. But before the Russian delegation left for New York, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that there are no plans to meet with Blinken at present, and it will depend on the specific situation.

Ukrainian Air Force spokesperson: The first "Patriot" air defense missile battalion has entered combat readiness in Ukraine

According to the U.N. News Agency, Yuri Ignat, spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force Command, announced on the 23rd that the first "Patriot" air defense missile battalion has officially entered combat readiness duty in Ukraine.

"One of the battalions took over and went to work a few days ago, and the others are already on their way to their future posts," Ignat said. ”

Ignat previously stressed that the Patriot air defense system, received from international assistance, will significantly strengthen Ukraine's air defense capabilities.

Medvedev shouted to the G7: or will end the Black Sea Food Agreement

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev said on social media platforms on the 23rd: "The idea of the G7 on a complete ban on exports to our country is good, because it also means that the G7 will stop importing goods from our country, including commodity categories that are vital to the G7." In this case, the food agreement and many other commodity exchanges they need will be terminated. ”

According to Reuters, Japan's Kyodo News Agency previously quoted Japanese political sources as saying that G7 countries are considering a near-total ban on exports to Russia, and Russia is using the termination of the Black Sea grain agreement as a "threat".

The Black Sea grain agreement expires on 5 May this year. According to CNN, the G18 called for the extension and expansion of the Black Sea Grain Agreement on the 7rd. (End)