Teller Report

Cross-strait community "zero-distance" interaction Jintai exchanges grassroots governance experience

4/24/2023, 9:12:21 PM

Highlights: On the afternoon of the 24th, the Jin-Taiwan Community Exchange Forum on "Huaxia Cultural Context Looks at Shanxi, Kaohsiung Li Chang Three Jinxin" was held in the riverside community of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. Communities on both sides of the strait interact "at zero distance" and share experience in grassroots governance. On the same day, a delegation of 29 people from Taiwan's Greater Kaohssiung Chairmen's Association discussed new concepts and models of community governance.

On the afternoon of the 24th, the Jin-Taiwan Community Exchange Forum on "Huaxia Cultural Context Looks at Shanxi, Kaohsiung Li Chang Three Jinxin" was held in the riverside community of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. Photo by Yang Jieying Huang Yuefeng, Director General of Taiwan's Greater Kaohsiung Chairmen's Association, introduced the members of the delegation and Taiwan's experience in community governance.

Taiyuan, April 4 (Zhongxin Net) -- On the afternoon of 24 April, the Jin-Taiwan Community Exchange Symposium on "Huaxia Cultural Context Looking at Shanxi, Kaohsiung Li Chang Three Jinxin Tours" was held in the riverside community of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. Communities on both sides of the strait interact "at zero distance" and share experience in grassroots governance.

On the same day, a delegation of 29 people from Taiwan's Greater Kaohsiung Chairmen's Association and some community leaders in Taiyuan discussed new concepts and models of community governance, shared successful cases and governance experiences, strengthened exchanges and cooperation between grassroots communities on both sides of the strait, and promoted close exchanges between grassroots people on both sides of the strait.

"Over the years, compatriots in Jintai and Taiwan have had close ties and deepened friendship. This is the first group to come to Jin on the island after three years of the epidemic, and most of the villagers are 'Shoulai'. Li Jianhong, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanxi Province, said in his speech that grassroots people on both sides of the strait have exchanged and shared experience around community governance, hoping that through the exchanges and interactions of grassroots people, they can deepen communication and cooperation between Jinxi and Taiwan and promote the spiritual harmony of compatriots.

The Jintai Community Exchange Forum was held in the riverside community of Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. The picture shows a group photo of the participants. Photo by Yang Jieying

Huang Yufeng, Director General of Taiwan's Greater Kaohsiung Chairmen's Association, introduced the members of the delegation and Taiwan's community governance experience. He said that through the visit and exchange, he learned that the communities of the two places have their own strengths and characteristics, and there are many places to learn from each other, and he hopes to strengthen interaction and exchanges in the future.

Chen Guoqiang, chairman of the Friendship Association of the Mayors of Luzhu District, Kaohsiung City, Chen Guoqiang, Changli of Wenbeili, Luzhu District, Kaohsiung City, and Changyan of Taoyuanli, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, shared their experience in the seizures, and Hu Jia, director of Taiyuan Riverside Community, and Yang Fan, director of a community on Shuangtasi Street in Taiyuan City, made speeches.

During the exchange and interaction session, the participants of Jintai and Taiwan asked questions and answered questions on the content of the speeches, and discussed reasonable opinions and suggestions on continuing to consolidate and deepen exchanges and cooperation between Jintai communities and promote the economic and social integration and development of Jintai and Taiwan. In the performance and exhibition session, the community of Taiyuan City brought ocarina performances, dances and other performances, and the Taiwan chief brought the song "The Shepherd of the Cocoto Sea", and the calligraphers of the communities in Jinyuan and Taiwan met friends with pens, showing the richness of community life.

The Jintai Community Exchange Forum was hosted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Shanxi Province and jointly organized by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Taiyuan City and the Greater Kaohsiung Chairman Friendship Association. (End)