Teller Report

"Full-time children" are not gnawing at the old, don't be prejudiced against free choice of employment

4/24/2023, 3:11:35 AM

Highlights: "Gnawing the old" is when young people stay at home, and rely on their parents to support themselves. "Full-time children" take care of their parents and do housework as their "profession" It is like a "full-time wife", but it is also a contribution to the family and saves the cost of hiring a nanny. It is conceivable that with the advent of an aging society, more young people may choose to be "full time children"

According to Red Star News, the group of the Douban Group's "Full-time Children's Work Exchange Center" has gathered 3291,<> "migrant workers". Here, the target of the "migrant workers" is their parents or grandparents, and the content of their labor is "companionship" and "housework". In this regard, some people think that it is a "new type of gnawing the old", choosing to escape the pressure of the workplace; Some people think that this is also a way of life, and there is nothing wrong with choosing to be a "full-time son" ...

In fact, "full-time children" belong to the individual's personalized choice based on their own family circumstances. We should not impose our outlook on life and values on others, but should understand and respect their choices.

"Full-time children" and "gnawing the old" are different. "Gnawing the old" is when young people stay at home, do nothing, and rely on their parents to support themselves; "Full-time children", on the other hand, take care of their parents and do housework as their "profession". It is like a "full-time wife", taking care of the family at home, although there is no "formal job", but it is also a contribution to the family and saves the cost of hiring a nanny.

You know, every family and every individual's situation is different. If a family wants to hire a nanny, and the child has not been able to find the ideal job, it is a realistic choice to simply return to the family to replace the nanny job. There are also professionals in their 30s, who have a certain economic accumulation and want to rest for a while, and their parents are old and need to be taken care of, so they quit their jobs to accompany their parents.

During this time, "full-time children" have more time to spend with their parents and think about their future life direction. In this regard, society should not simply think that this is a negative treatment of workplace competition and social pressure.

Just like some college students will enter the domestic service industry after graduation, the difference between "full-time children" is that the "employer" is their parents and relatives. As for whether it is suitable to be a "full-time son" also varies from person to person, public opinion does not have to look at it differently, and "full-time children" do not have to laugh at themselves as "waste" by their parents.

It is conceivable that with the advent of an aging society, more young people may choose to be "full-time children" after weighing the needs of work, life and family in the future. This is also a manifestation of the diversity of the work and lifestyle of today's young people, and people need not be prejudiced against it.

Jiang Li (media personality)

Beijing News