Teller Report

In light of the events in Sudan. Is a new reality taking shape in the region?

4/22/2023, 3:21:23 PM

Highlights: Keeping Sudan united could one day open the way for real political change. Sudan is being subjected to an international conspiracy involving multiple parties pushing towards civil war. Israel's relations with the separatists of South Sudan began since the sixties of the last century. Israel is not only persuaded by normalization; it wants to achieve long-term goals, the most important of which is the weakening, dismantling and possibly partitioning of Sudan. There are many scientists who know and can plan to build Sudan's strength, but no one listens to them.

Keeping Sudan united could one day open the way for real political change that would form the basis for exploiting its wealth to build solid power; at the very least, cultivating its land could save the entire Arab nation from a coming famine.

The events in Sudan illustrate the nation's need to seek in-depth answers to many questions that can serve as the basis for a free discussion. But the media lacks boldness and courage, and misleads and misleads peoples, while hiding their biases by claiming neutrality and objectivity, and relying on official sources.

The question with which we can begin the discussion is: Were the events in Sudan a surprise that those studying the history of Sudan, the relations between international powers, and the management of conflict between them did not expect during the past decade, or did the media ignore the factors that drive the events, and thus did not fulfill their function in fulfilling the right of the masses to know?

If the media had tried to provide explanatory coverage of the events, they would have discovered that Sudan is being subjected to an international conspiracy involving multiple parties pushing towards civil war with the aim of weakening, dismantling and dividing it into states. America has long believed that Sudan is too big to be a single country, and it has played the intelligence of many countries in Sudan until it succeeded in separating its south.

The Sudanese and the entire Arab nation should have been aware that the separation of South Sudan was a success that prompted the intelligence services in many countries to try again and provoke civil war with the aim of dismantling the state.

The Israeli Role in Dismantling Sudan

To be clearer, we must look for an in-depth answer to a question that is key to events: What is the role of Israel and its intelligence service in managing the conflict in Sudan?

Israel's relations with the separatists of South Sudan began since the sixties of the last century, and the fruits of this cooperation culminated in the secession of the south, which became an important ally of Israel controlling the sources of water and energy in the southern Nile Valley, after which Sudan entered into a spiral of many political and economic problems, the most important of which is the events of the rebellion in Darfur, which was exploited by Western countries to apply sanctions on Sudan, prompting the Sudanese regime to work to absorb the Janjaweed militias, which have become a parallel army that is now engaged in a new conflict that pushes the country into civil war.

In order to understand what is happening in the Sudan now, and to anticipate the future of the entire region, we must study in depth the Israeli role in managing the region's conflicts.

The clear message conveyed by regional powers to the Sudanese regime is that normalization with Israel is the solution to the crises facing Sudan, especially the economy, and that satisfying Israel is the only way to overturn America. But Israel is not only persuaded by normalization; it wants to achieve long-term goals, the most important of which is the weakening, dismantling and possibly partitioning of Sudan. Why?!!

Everyone is aware of the strength of Sudan. But we do not understand!

Keeping Sudan united could one day open the way for real political change that would form the basis for exploiting its wealth to build solid power; at the very least, cultivating its land could save the entire Arab nation from a coming famine that all visionaries could see on the horizon.

Weakening and dismantling it weakens Egypt, which will lose all chances of getting out of its economic crisis, and will be in the interest of Israel, which knows that weakening Egypt is important to protect its security.

But why did we not realize the strength of Sudan and the potential it can offer to build the future of the entire Arab nation?

There are many scientists who know and can plan to build Sudan's strength, but no one listens to them, and they don't have a chance to express their vision, because the media is controlled by authorities whose ultimate goal is to achieve stability by pleasing Israel.

I know many Sudanese scholars in all fields, and I am proud of the friendship of many of them, and they belong to different political trends, and I think they have a geographical, cultural and political imagination that can constitute a renaissance for Sudan, and for the Arab nation, so why did they not play their role in educating the people about the challenges facing the homeland, and the opportunities that its geography can provide, to play an active role in a new historical stage?!

They are similar to the case of scientists in Egypt who have also not succeeded in contributing to solving the problems of their countries, and the reason is the same: the military regimes that have dominated for decades do not recognize science, scientists, feasibility studies, or future foresight, and control the media, and they always want the easy way, and see that their fate is linked to their dependence on the West.

During the past decades, scientists have not found an opportunity to present their ideas, and have been deprived of the freedom of scientific research and of exploring the best ways to exploit resources and wealth, which were regularly looted and transported abroad as raw materials, and there are many of those riches from gold to sand that can provide the basis for many industries.

Therefore, the old and new colonial states help dictatorial regimes close the public sphere so that the people do not hear the voice of the scholars, and do not show leaders who dream of comprehensive independence, building power, achieving victories and building the future, and the region remains under the control of Israel.

Additional goals

In addition to the general weakening of Sudan and ensuring the elimination of its development future, there are other goals that are achieved that only benefit the West and Israel, as the leaked scene of Egyptian soldiers in Sudan can be understood in light of the same dismantling goal that works to weaken the region in favor of Israel, as the leak works to fuel feelings of hostility and racism among the peoples of the Nile Valley, feelings that have long benefited the colonizer, and as long as Israel has benefited from them, as it blocks the way to opportunities for integration or cooperation in agriculture or water at a time Egyptians fear food and water crises in the coming period.

The biggest beneficiary of the publication of the video is Israel alone, so can its role in publishing it be excluded or coordinated with its publishers at the very least.

In the same context, we do not forget those voices that have risen with the recent confrontations between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, which are louder by accusing the Islamists of being behind them, pointing arrows at the Sudanese army, which includes many religious people, so whether weakening this army and striking Islamists in Sudan are also among the goals of these confrontations, which are in the interest of Israel and the West.

But what is the role of Ethiopia?!

Ethiopia has undisguised interests in separating Egypt from Sudan in the issue of the Renaissance Dam and in the areas of military coordination, and Ethiopia, in turn, has those warm relations with Israel and coordinates with it in many matters, thus forming before us this tripartite alliance that benefits from what is happening in Sudan, namely the West, Israel and Ethiopia, all of whom benefit from weakness and disintegration in Sudan and the Nile Valley, and even in the region.

If US Secretary of State Antony Blinken previously expressed that we are facing a new reality in the region, there are reasons to fear that this reality will include new maps of an increasingly fragmented region, a danger that we can only face if we unleash our geographical and political imagination, think about opportunities for cooperation, and open the public sphere for scientists to lead the nation in the face of threats to our existence?!

The challenge that threatens the unity of Sudan and the blood of its people faces the entire nation, and forces it to think in a new way to build its future!