Teller Report

Check in 6 attractions a day on weekends Why do young people become tourism "special forces"?

4/22/2023, 6:20:52 PM

Highlights: After work on Friday, leave what you're doing, grab your suitcase and take the high-speed train to another city, spending two days on the weekend to see the famous attractions. Check in 6 attractions in one day on weekends and visit one city in two days. Professionals said that this is a backlog of tourism consumption demand that has been accumulated for 3 years is being released rapidly. Some people disagree, believing that "special forces tourism" has become the most realistic option to experience "poetry and distant places"

After work on Friday, leave what you're doing, grab your suitcase and take the high-speed train to another city, spending two days on the weekend to see the famous attractions. Check in 3 cities in 3 days, visit 6 attractions in a day, walk 10,<> steps in one weekend... Recently, the rise of short-distance tourism has also been vividly called "special forces tourism" by netizens.

Check in 6 attractions in one day on weekends and visit one city in two days

Why do young people become tourism "special forces"?

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After work on Friday, leave what you're doing, grab your suitcase and take the high-speed train to another city, spending two days on the weekend to see the famous attractions. Professionals said that this is a backlog of tourism consumption demand that has been accumulated for 3 years is being released rapidly, and it is also a signal that the tourism market is recovering. However, short-term, energy-intensive and "fast" travel methods seem rich and fulfilling, but in fact, they also need to increase in-depth experience.

Check in 3 cities in 3 days, visit 6 attractions in a day, walk 10,<> steps in one weekend... Recently, the rise of short-distance tourism has also been vividly called "special forces tourism" by netizens.

Some netizens believe that this way of traveling focuses on a "seen", which is meaningless. Some people disagree, believing that "special forces tourism" has become the most realistic option to experience "poetry and distant places".

Dai Bin, president of China Tourism Research Institute, said in an interview with the reporter of "Workers' Daily" that this phenomenon shows that mass tourism is entering a new stage of development, and the backlog of tourism consumption demand for three years is being rapidly released, and the tourism market is gradually recovering. However, he also suggested that tourists should increase their in-depth experience and understanding of the place while traveling thousands of miles.

There is someone to accompany, you can "rush" every week

After work on Friday, April 4, Liu Meng, a clerk in Zhengzhou, put down her work and rushed to the high-speed rail station with a 21-inch suitcase. More than three hours later, she arrived at the destination of the trip, Changsha.

"The legendary Internet celebrity city, I want to take advantage of the weekend to see." This is Liu Meng's first short trip after work. She plans to spend two days with friends checking in at various attractions in Changsha and tasting Changsha food.

Liu Meng told reporters that this trip to Changsha was a whim, and he only briefly saw some attractions before departure. For two days, Liu Meng and friends ate snacks in Taiping Old Street, went to Meixi Lake International Art Center to see the music fountain, climbed Yuelu Mountain, and went to the Martyrs' Cemetery to rent a boat to tour the lake.

Zhu Yuanyuan, who attended university in Beijing, set a record for playing all over Qinhuangdao in one weekend. "After arriving in Qinhuangdao at 8 o'clock on Saturday morning, I first went to eat Shanhaiguan meat pot, and then went to Qinhuangdao Pigeon Nest Park to watch the sea and tease pigeons... Crazy rampage, accurate calculation of time, cost saving, went to 6 attractions in one day. ”

"'Special Forces Style Tourism' is very suitable for college students, who take advantage of the weekend to go out and see, taste local food, feel the fireworks of different places, and it is better than playing with mobile phones in the dormitory." Zhu Yuanyuan said.

"How much can you shop in two days, but the premise must be accompanied by someone." Liu Meng said that if someone accompanies her, she can "rush" every week, and the next time she plans to go to Beijing and Wuhan.

Liu Meng told reporters that short-distance travel can take a look at the strategy on the short video platform in advance, and there are many such contents now. For example, some netizens recommended a classic Beijing "special forces-style tourism" route: go to Beijing in the early morning, watch the flag raising in Tiananmen Square at 6 o'clock, then check in all the way to the Forbidden City, Nanluoguxiang, Shichahai, Drum Tower, Lama Temple, Old Summer Palace, Summer Palace and other well-known attractions, and finally take the train to return overnight.

The hot side is that there are many people and tired

"Special forces tourism" seems simple and easy, but in practice it will encounter various problems. Wang Chen, who went to university in Zhejiang, remembers that in early April, he and his classmates took advantage of the weekend to visit the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, and as a result, there were long queues in the scenic area, and the garden was even more crowded, and the interest in visiting instantly disappeared.

For two days, Wang Chen wanted to taste local specialties, but he didn't expect to queue up. "The queue was too long, which led to many planned plans being delayed." In the end, he and his classmates changed their tickets and hurried back.

After returning to school, Wang Chen felt very tired and had no energy for classes on Monday. He told reporters that he would not choose such a way of tourism in the future. "This kind of fancy tour not only doesn't see anything, but also makes people feel tired."

Liu Meng said that "special forces tourism" is best to choose niche cities and niche attractions, if you encounter a large number of people during the tour, go directly to the next place to avoid affecting the experience.

Different people have different preferences. Zhang Xuefeng, a financial commentator, said in an interview with reporters: "Almost all of the groups who choose 'special forces tourism' are young people, they are energetic and like to pursue a fast-paced life, most of them are usually busy with study and work, once they have free time, they will release their pressure through short-distance travel." ”

According to relevant media reports, even if this year's Qingming Festival is only a one-day holiday, it has not hindered young people's determination to travel. Tongcheng travel data shows that around the Qingming holiday on April 1, 4% of post-5s tourists choose to leave at night to go to their destinations, and 62% of post-00s tourists check in more than 00 scenic spots a day.

Young people work hard and want to have fun at the same time

Dai Bin believes that the popularity of "special forces-style tourism" is partly because of the change in the concept of young people's lives, they must work hard and want to play happily, and their values have changed from a single value orientation in the past to diversification, and they have the energy and ability to participate in tourism activities. On the other hand, it is also related to the tourism destination to increase market promotion and prepare more and more rich tourism products and consumption scenarios, for example, Luoyang's new national style and Zibo's barbecue have attracted many young people to play.

Some professionals pointed out that the emergence of "special forces-style tourism" is also inseparable from the rapid development of China's transportation high-speed rail, from Harmony to Fuxing, the speed is getting faster and faster, and short-distance travel in a short period of time is possible. In addition, the development of Internet technology is also a top priority, people have more and more channels to obtain information, and it is more convenient to book travel products such as air tickets, hotels, and tickets.

For tourists who like "special forces tourism", Dai Bin pointed out that in this tourism model, tourists are prone to the situation of watching flowers and tasting the flowers, and traveling for tourism. "In fact, I hope that more tourists can slow down their pace, and while rushing to check in, they will also pay more attention to and experience the local customs, history and culture, and lifestyle, so that this trip can not be in vain."

Qiao Ran