Teller Report

Huawei announced that it had broken through the blockade of the ERP system, and Ren Zhengfei and Meng Wanzhou spoke out

4/21/2023, 2:46:16 AM

Highlights: On the evening of the 20th, Huawei announced that it has achieved independent and controllable MetaERP research and development and completed the replacement of the old ERP system. "Every leap in technology requires not only the accumulation of ingenuity, but also the spirit of openness to promote the leap in cognition," said Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's Rotating Chairman and CFO. Up to now, Meta ERP has covered 100% of Huawei's business scenarios and 80% of its business volume.

On the evening of the 20th, Huawei announced that it has achieved independent and controllable MetaERP research and development and completed the replacement of the old ERP system. Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's Rotating Chairman and CFO, said, "Every leap in technology requires not only the accumulation of ingenuity, but also the spirit of openness to promote the leap in cognition., April 4 (Zhongxin Financial Reporter Wu Tao) On the evening of the 21th, Huawei announced that it has realized independent and controllable MetaERP research and development and completed the replacement of the old ERP system.

Image source: Courtesy image

According to Tao Jingwen, director of Huawei and president of the quality and process IT department, ERP suppliers notified Huawei as early as 2019 to cut off supply and stop service, ERP as the core system of Huawei's enterprise operation, finally we decided not only to be full-stack independent and controllable, but also based on new technologies such as cloud native, metadata multi-lease, real-time intelligence, etc., to create a future-oriented next-generation enterprise core business system, "Now we can finally announce that we have broken through the blockade and we have survived!" ”

Huawei said that up to now, MetaERP has covered 100% of Huawei's business scenarios and 80% of its business volume, and has experienced the test of monthly, quarterly, and yearly, achieving zero failures, zero delays, and zero account adjustments.

In recognition of the teams and individuals who made significant contributions to this project, Huawei held a MetaERP commendation meeting for "Heroes Crossing the Dadu River" in the Dongguan Xiliu Beipo Village Park. Ren Zhengfei attended and thanked the partners.

Ren Zhengfei said, "To thank our partners, we believe that today's success is inseparable from you, and future development is more related to you." Ren Zhengfei also said that today we are still lagging behind in software, but one day we may become stronger.

Meng Wanzhou, Huawei's Rotating Chairman and CFO, said, "Every leap in technology requires not only the accumulation of ingenuity, but also the spirit of openness to promote the leap in cognition. The construction of MetaERP requires the joint investment of partners. Only openness can lead to innovation, and only cooperation can prosper. (End)