Teller Report

Deputy Mayor of Belgorod Golikov: ten apartments and eight cars were damaged in explosions

4/21/2023, 5:40:57 PM

Highlights: Belgorod Deputy Mayor Vasily Golikov said that ten apartments and eight cars were damaged in the explosions in the city. According to him, damage to prefabricated reinforced concrete structures was recorded near four apartments. The night before, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that during the flight of the Su-34 aircraft of the Aerospace Forces over Belgorod, an abnormal descent of aviation ammunition occurred. The damage to houses is associated with this, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Belgorod Deputy Mayor Vasily Golikov said that ten apartments and eight cars were damaged in the explosions in the city.

According to him, damage to prefabricated reinforced concrete structures was recorded near four apartments. At the same time, another apartment "suffered extensively from flooding."

"These are five apartments that require large-scale general construction restoration work," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

Golikov added that five more apartments received minor damage.

"In total, we have statistics for today ten apartments," he said.

According to him, eight cars were also damaged.

He added that it is planned to complete the restoration work by July.

The night before, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that during the flight of the Su-34 aircraft of the Aerospace Forces over Belgorod, an abnormal descent of aviation ammunition occurred, damage to houses in the city is associated with this.