Teller Report

Three things that the district court takes a position on in the case of Tove

4/19/2023, 8:56:06 AM

Highlights: The verdict after the suspected murder of 21-year-old Tove is handed down on Wednesday. The two young women charged with Tove's murder differ greatly on several points. In the clip above, you hear three things that stand out and that the court takes a position on in the judgment.Watch SVT's mini-documentary about Tovefallet here. Read the full transcript of the trial in Swedish here. The full transcript is available in Swedish and in English here.

Eksjö District Court has had to decide on three key issues when the verdict after the suspected murder of 21-year-old Tove is handed down on Wednesday. It is a trial in which the stories of the two accused young women differ greatly on several points.

When the trial of the two young women charged with Tove's murder ended a couple of weeks ago, prosecutor Adam Rullman requested that both the 20- and 18-year-old be convicted of murder. He says there are no extenuating circumstances – but aggravating ones.

"My client should not be convicted of murder," said the 20-year-old's lawyer, Clea Sangborn, who argued that there was doubt about the cause of death.

"If the court still chooses to convict her of murder, she should not be sentenced to more than 16 years in prison, not life," she said.

Younger woman hopes to be acquitted

The 18-year-old's public defender, Mikael Svegfors, believes that his client should be acquitted completely.

"She was not present when Tove died, the evidence against her is vanishingly thin," he said during closing arguments.

In the clip above, you hear three things that stand out and that the court takes a position on in the judgment.

Watch SVT's mini-documentary about Tovefallet here