Teller Report

France: Emmanuel Macron wants to show that the page of pensions is turned

4/19/2023, 5:15:53 AM

Highlights: The President of the Republic is determined to show that the page on pensions is turned. Emmanuel Macron is going to the Bas-Rhin department on April 19 for a trip on the theme of work. In particular, he must visit a company specializing in wood construction. But the president could find protesters on his way. The neighborhood is cordoned off, the trucks of the mobile gendarmes hide the entrance to the building through which Emmanuel Macron must arrive. But no matter, according to these two representatives of the CGT Culture: "He can not go to France without sending a hundred or two hundred cops"

The President of the Republic is determined to show that the page on pensions is turned. Emmanuel Macron is going to the Bas-Rhin department on April 19 for a trip on the theme...


France: Emmanuel Macron wants to show that the page of pensions is turned

Audio 01:15

Demonstration of opponents of the pension reform, in Saint-Denis, April 18, 2023. © AFP - JULIEN DE ROSA

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2 min

The President of the Republic is determined to show that the page on pensions is turned. Emmanuel Macron travels to the Bas-Rhin department on April 19 for a trip on the theme of work, one of the three projects that the head of state wants to open in the next 100 days. In particular, he must visit a company specializing in wood construction. But the president could find protesters on his way.


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On Tuesday evening, April 19, about 200 people were waiting for Emmanuel Macron in the Paris region where the head of state attended a concert at the House of Education of the Legion of Honor, a prestigious school in Saint-Denis. They are dozens on the forecourt of the city hall to have responded to the call of the unions. Some came with pots and pans to make noise. Theo knocks on a lamppost with a spoon. This pensioner is angry: "It's unbearable that Macron is here. Why does he come here, to provoke us? Why does he come to a city like Saint-Denis? After despising everyone. It's normal, all these cops, is it normal?


Kept at bay

But the demonstrators, kept at a distance, will not even see the presidential convoy. The neighborhood is cordoned off, the trucks of the mobile gendarmes hide the entrance to the building through which Emmanuel Macron must arrive. But no matter, according to these two representatives of the CGT Culture: "He can not go to France without sending a hundred or two hundred cops, it's already not bad". "It seemed necessary to me and I am very happy to be among all these people to shout my anger, my rage," says another.

« I think it's going to last a long time like this »

Tricolor scarf on the shoulder, the deputy of the France insoumise (LFI) Eric Coquerel came to support the demonstrators: "Now, Emmanuel Macron must not have any illusions. He will not be quiet in this country every time he travels because there will be people who will tell him that they do not agree with his pension reform. I think it's going to last a long time like this." Even today, the inter-union calls for a rally in the Bas-Rhin on the way to the visit of the head of state.

Read also: Emmanuel Macron's televised address greeted by concerts of pots and pans

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