Teller Report

What we know about the unrest in Sudan

4/18/2023, 5:16:29 PM

Highlights: Clashes between the two main groups of Sudan's military regime have rocked the country recently. According to the UN, nearly 200 people have so far fallen victim to the escalating conflict. What we know about the situation in Sudan:. Anti-government demonstrations break out throughout the country, initially aimed at sharp price increases, shortages of goods and unemployment. Soon there will be demands for the president, military officer Omar al-Bashir, to resign. Security forces respond with a harsh crackdown that kills dozens of people.

Clashes between the two main groups of Sudan's military regime have rocked the country recently. According to the UN, nearly 200 people have so far fallen victim to the escalating conflict, which started several years ago. What we know about the situation in Sudan:

2018: Demonstrations gain momentum

  • Anti-government demonstrations break out throughout the country, initially aimed at sharp price increases, shortages of goods and unemployment. Soon there will be demands for the president, military officer Omar al-Bashir, to resign. Security forces respond with a harsh crackdown that kills dozens of people.

2019: The president is overthrown

  • Al-Bashir, who at the time was in power for almost 30 years, is overthrown by the Sudanese army (SAF) and the paramilitary group RSF, which together form an interim military government. Hence the start of large protests demanding that power be handed over to a civilian government.

  • Security forces crack down on a sit-in at the headquarters of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF). There are reports that more than 100 people are killed in the attack.

  • The African Union intervenes and an interim civil-military unity government is set up under the leadership of Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok. The civilian and military groups agree to share power for a three-year period with elections in 2023.

2020: Peace agreement with rebel groups

  • At the end of August 2020, the transitional authorities conclude a peace agreement with rebel groups from the troubled West Darfur region and from the southern regions of South Kordofan and Blue Nile. However, the agreement is not accepted by all rebel groups.

2021/2022: Two military groups take power

  • In October 2021, the military again seizes power in a coup led by the leader of the army, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the leader of the RSF, Mohamed Hamdan "Hemedti" Dagalo. Al-Burhan becomes the active leader of the junta.

  • After several mass demonstrations, it is decided that Abdallah Hamdok will be reinstated as prime minister. But he resigns barely two months later after failing to appoint a government while anti-military protests are ongoing.

End of 2022: New agreement

  • Civilian groups sign an initial agreement with the military leadership to begin a new two-year political transition and appoint a civilian government.

Spring 2023: Transition postponed

  • The signing of a final agreement on the transfer of power is delayed several times after disputes about, among other things, whether the army should be placed under civilian supervision and whether the RSF should be integrated into the army.

  • On April 15, fighting breaks out between the two forces. RSF claims to have taken control of key strategic sites, but the army disputes this.