Teller Report

PKK flags hoisted in central Gothenburg

4/18/2023, 2:05:53 PM

Highlights: Red flags with the PKK's symbol hang on three flagpoles at Stenpiren in Gothenburg. The flag is a symbol of the PKK, a terrorist organization that has been waging war against the Turkish state since the eighties. That Sweden should extradite people with links to the PKK is one of Turkey's demands for allowing Sweden to join NATO. Who is responsible for the flag poles is not yet known, but they should have been hoisted as early as Monday.

Flags with the PKK's symbol hang on three flagpoles at Stenpiren in Gothenburg.

On Tuesday afternoon, astonished passers-by could see red flags with a star swaying in the wind at Stenpiren in central Gothenburg.

The flag is a symbol of the PKK, a terrorist organization that has been waging war against the Turkish state since the eighties. That Sweden should extradite people with links to the PKK is one of Turkey's demands for allowing Sweden to join NATO.

Who has hoisted the flags is unclear, but according to information to SVT, they should have been hoisted as early as Monday. Who is responsible for the flagpoles is not yet known.

"It's not our flags that stand at Stenpiren, unfortunately I can't say anything else," says Martin Östberg, planning manager for security and preparedness at the city management office in Gothenburg.

SVT is looking for those responsible for the flagpoles.