Teller Report

An "illusory" reconciliation, Queen Elizabeth II bewildered by Prince Harry's outbursts... New bombs on the 'royals'

4/18/2023, 7:26:08 PM

Highlights: New details about the ins and outs of British royalty, all personal. The latest revelation of bombs has been made in literary format, with the book Our King by Robert Jobson. In it, according to the British newspaper The Mirror, details are revealed about the strained personal relations between the royals. Prince Harry was angry when he was informed that King Charles III would not pay Meghan Markle's expenses before her wedding. The Duchess of Sussex wanted to join via video call and the Queen, for safety, refused. The cleaning of the Sandringham Palace library in search of hidden microphones.

New details about the ins and outs of British royalty, all personal. The latest revelation of bombs has been made in literary format, with the book Our King -Our...

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New details about the ins and outs of British royalty, all personal. The latest revelation of bombs has been made in literary format, with the book Our King by Robert Jobson. In it, according to the British newspaper The Mirror, details are revealed about the strained personal relations between the royals.

The strength of this correspondent's words are his sources, coming from the Palace. With his experience in covering information about British royalty Jobson draws tense situations and up to five of them are revealed by the aforementioned media.


One of the episodes related by the British journalist focuses on an iconic image after the death of Queen Elizabeth II: the picture of Prince William and Kate Middleton with the Dukes of Sussex near Windsor Castle just two days after the death of their mother, despite everything. It was an open secret the little understanding between the brothers and the gesture was very applauded. It was seen as "the beginning of a reconciliation".

The "union" meeting that was praised

The reality behind this image according to Our King is that it was "an illusion". The author of the book says that it was the idea of Prince William, who wanted to convey a false "unity". Jobson adds that sources close to the royal family confessed to him that Kate "later admitted to a senior royal that such was the discomfort between the two couples that this joint walk was one of the hardest things she had ever had to do." It was in September 2022 and the book of Harry of Sussex full of darts to his brother and his wife, Spare, had not yet been published.


Shortly after starting her relationship with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle sat down with the Queen, according to the journalist. At that meeting the late monarch assured him that she was delighted that her grandson "had finally found love", she also advised him. One of his suggestions was that he spend time with Sophie, Countess of Wessex, to lean on her. To which Markle replied sharply with three words: "I have Harry", something that according to Jobson's sources "surprised" the Queen.


Another detail unknown until now is the cleaning of the Sandringham Palace library in search of hidden microphones. The theme of the meeting was important: it would discuss the departure of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry from royalty. The author of Our King reveals how the Queen ordered the room to be swept for devices that could record the conversation and leak it to the press.

Once the room was controlled, Charles, William and Harry finally participated in the meeting. The Duchess of Sussex wanted to join via video call and the Queen, for safety, refused.

Outbursts THAT "tired" the Queen

There are several details about the grandmother-son relationship. Jobson describes how despite the late monarch's "great affection" for her grandson Harry "grew tired" of hearing the couple's criticism of the institution. It also expresses Queen Elizabeth's feeling that Harry was "consumed and clouded" by his love for Meghan.


Prince Harry was angry when he was informed that King Charles III would not pay Meghan Markle's expenses before her wedding. The disagreement, according to Jobson, took place during a meeting between the princes and the king, before the big day in May 2018. He snapped that he "wouldn't be able to pay Meghan in the future."

  • Prince Harry
  • Meghan Markle
  • Elizabeth II of England

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