Teller Report

After the power struggle in Botkyrka – now the municipal director is fired

4/18/2023, 5:06:40 PM

Highlights: Municipal Director Leif Eriksson in Botkyrka municipality is fired. Governing councillor Emanuel Ksiazkiewicz (S), who criticized Ebba Östlin (S) for buying out officials, now chooses to let him quit with immediate effect. New acting municipal directorPetra Oxonius, who is currently the administrative director and sits in the central management, will take on the role ofacting municipal director until a new one is appointed. In the video, you get a summary of the development of events – in 60 seconds.

Municipal Director Leif Eriksson in Botkyrka municipality is fired. Governing councillor Emanuel Ksiazkiewicz (S), who criticized Ebba Östlin (S) for buying out officials, now chooses to let him quit with immediate effect.

Emanuel Ksiazkiewicz (S) became the new KS chairman in Botkyrka at the end of March after a tough power struggle when he won the vote against the former leader Ebba Östlin (S).

The municipality's political chief of staff, Lucas Nykvist, told SVT that it was time for Leif Eriksson to leave his post after the political shift and that Emmanuel Ksiazkiewicz wants to choose his own municipal director with whom he can work closely.

Municipal director Leif Eirksson earns around 160,000 a month and leaves with immediate effect. He is paid 15 months' salary in a parachute.

– As a new KSO, my main focus is to work for development and a restart of the administrative organization, and although I believe that Leif has done a good job of managing and governing the municipality, I believe that a new recruitment is needed to achieve a new start, writes Emanuel Ksiazkiewicz in an email to SVT.

New acting municipal director

Petra Oxonius, who is currently the administrative director and sits in the central management, will take on the role of acting municipal director until a new one is appointed.

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In the video, you get a summary of the development of events – in 60 seconds. Photo: SVT