Teller Report

Fire in forest clearing outside Tingsryd – two people injured

4/16/2023, 3:06:05 PM

Highlights: Fire in a forest clearing northeast of Tingsryd. Emergency services working to extinguish the fire and stop any spread. Two people were injured and one person was taken to hospital with unclear injuries. Three ambulances and seven units from the emergency services were alerted to the scene. The area that burns is estimated to be just over one hectare in size. There is quite a bit of wind at the scene, according to the rescue service. The fire should not currently threaten buildings in the area.

There is a fire in a forest clearing just northeast of Tingsryd. The emergency services are working to extinguish the fire and stop any spread. According to initial information from the police, two people were injured and one person was taken to hospital with unclear injuries.

The alarm was received just before 16 pm on Sunday afternoon. Three ambulances and seven units from the emergency services were alerted to the scene.

According to the emergency services, there is a heavy fire in a forest clearing northeast of Tingsryd. The area that burns is estimated to be just over one hectare in size.

"The emergency services are at the scene and working to limit the spread. There is quite a bit of wind at the scene, according to the rescue service.

The fire should not currently threaten buildings in the area.

Two people injured

According to initial police information, two people were injured. The damage situation is unclear.

– One of the ambulances is on its way to hospital with one person, SOS announces.

Investigating crimes


"We currently assess that