Teller Report

300 train attendants in Stockholm relocated – train host: "We have received very little information from MTR"

4/16/2023, 1:45:20 PM

Highlights: About 300 train attendants were told that they would change their professional role. The trade union Seko's commuter club shares Anton Pajauji's criticism that MTR has been poor at providing information. MTR responds to the criticism and says that the company has been careful to communicate the timetable for when the train attendants will be taken out of service. Listen to Rainer Andersson from the train attendant's club at SEKO and Niklas Ekström from MTR in the video below.

In June 2021, the traffic committee in Region Stockholm decided that the train attendants should be removed. About 300 train attendants were then told that they would change their professional role. But when they would get their new jobs was unclear, according to Anton Pajaujis, a former train attendant. "It was about my future, I didn't know what was going to happen," he says.

The trade union Seko's commuter club shares Anton Pajauji's criticism that MTR has been poor at providing information.

"In the summer of 2022, the train attendants had to make requests about which jobs they wanted to be relocated to. Since then, basically nothing has been heard about the new services from MTR's side, says Rainer Andersson, vice chairman of Seko's commuter club.

More than 100 train attendants have been given new positions and the rest are taking courses to learn their trades. According to Seko's commuter club, many people do not know where they will work or what working hours they will have.

MTR does not share the union's image

But MTR responds to the criticism and says that the company has been careful to communicate the timetable for when the train attendants will be taken out of service and that they have had a dialogue with each train attendant. Hear MTR's response to the criticism from Seko commuter club in the video below.

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Listen to Rainer Andersson from the train attendants' club at SEKO and Niklas Ekström from MTR, who respond to the criticism. Photo: SVT and Viktor Fremling

Anton Pajaujis started MTR's train driver training in the autumn of 2022, but has dropped out and is waiting for a decision from MTR on what he will do instead.