Teller Report

They investigate as a possible case of gender violence the murder of a foreign tourist in Fuerteventura

4/15/2023, 9:45:12 AM

Highlights: The Government Delegation against Gender Violence has confirmed that it is collecting data on the murder of a 42-year-old woman for alleged gender violence. If confirmed, the number of women killed by gender-based violence would rise to 13 in 2023 and 1,197 since 2003. It is a woman who was found dead yesterday in a hotel in Pájara with a man, also deceased. Both showed signs of violence, according to EFE. The bodies corresponded to two foreign tourists.

The Government Delegation against Gender Violence has confirmed that it is collecting data on the murder of a 42-year-old woman for alleged gender violence...

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The Government Delegation against Gender Violence has confirmed that it is collecting data on the murder of a 42-year-old woman for alleged gender violence in Fuerteventura.

If confirmed, the number of women killed by gender-based violence would rise to 13 in 2023 and 1,197 since 2003.

It is a woman who was found dead yesterday in a hotel in Pájara with a man, also deceased. Both showed signs of violence, according to EFE. The bodies corresponded to two foreign tourists.

  • Events
  • Gender-based violence

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