Teller Report

Iglesias "reaches out" to Yolanda Díaz "despite insults, nonsense and contempt"

4/15/2023, 10:25:01 AM

Highlights: Podemos celebrates its Spring Festival to hit an acceleration in the race for the May elections. Pablo Iglesias has defended that we must "continue to reach out despite the insults, the nonsense and the contempt" to achieve "unity" The former secretary general of Podemos has acknowledged that there are many militants "very hurt" and "very offended" with what his party is experiencing in relation to Díaz, although avoiding explicitly referring to it, but has claimed to have "height of vision"

Podemos celebrates its Spring Festival to hit an acceleration in the race for the May elections and does so without forgetting Yolanda Díaz and the process of...

  • Politics The record of pacts Podemos-IU without open primaries shows the pulse of the dome 'purple' to Yolanda Díaz
  • Politics Podemos buries the two most symbolic experiments of Sumar in the 28-M elections

Podemos celebrates its Spring Festival to accelerate the race for the May elections and does so without forgetting Yolanda Díaz and the process of reconfiguration of the alternative left to the PSOE that, for the first time since 2014, threatens the hegemony of the purple party in space. In full open dispute with the leader of Sumar, to which the purples refused to wrap in the announcement of his candidacy for the general elections, Pablo Iglesias has defended that we must "continue to reach out despite the insults, the nonsense and the contempt" to achieve "unity".

In a debate table that has opened the central day of this conclave held in Zaragoza, the former secretary general of Podemos has acknowledged that there are many militants "very hurt" and "very offended" with what his party is experiencing in relation to Díaz, although avoiding explicitly referring to it, but has claimed to have "height of vision".

"This political formation has to continue defending one of its most important elements of identity: the defense of unity. It's not always simple or easy," he said. "When they insult you, they despise you, when all the media cannons of power build an offensive story, I understand the feeling of many comrades to demand respect," Iglesias has deepened.

Therefore, he pointed out that unity is "much more important than the dignity of all that militancy" because it is a priority to achieve that objective to try to stop "a process of democratic involution in Europe that has to do with the dynamics of the war regime [in Ukraine] and the growing weight of NATO in the political decisions of the continent. "

In his speech, Iglesias has warned that they are living the "umpteenth attempt to kill Podemos and get it not to exist." But if it did not exist, he added, he wonders who would then have the ability to say what they say about Europe, NATO, the "ruthless capitalists" or the media.

  • Can
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Yolanda Diaz

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