Teller Report

Xi Jinping held talks with Brazilian President Lula

4/14/2023, 2:45:10 PM

Highlights: Xi Jinping extended a warm welcome to Lula's visit to China. Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Brazil are the largest developing countries and important emerging market countries in the eastern and western hemispheres. China is willing to actively explore the integration of the "Belt and Road" and Brazil's "reindustrialization" strategy. Brazil is committed to developing closer relations with China from the strategic perspective of promoting the establishment of a just and rational international order. Lula said that I am very honored and proud to lead a large delegation to visit China for the fourth time.

Beijing, 4 Apr (ZXS) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Brazilian President Lula, who is on a state visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of 14 April.

Xi Jinping extended a warm welcome to Lula's visit to China. Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Brazil are the largest developing countries and important emerging market countries in the eastern and western hemispheres, respectively, and are comprehensive strategic partners with extensive common interests, and the overall, strategic and global influence of China-Brazil relations is becoming increasingly prominent. China has always viewed and developed its relations with Brazil from a strategic and long-term perspective, and has given priority to China-Brazil relations. China is willing to work with Pakistan to open up a new future for China-Pakistan relations in a new era, bring more benefits to the two peoples, and play a positive and important role in peace, stability, prosperity and development in the region and the world.

Xi Jinping stressed that this year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the strategic partnership between China and Pakistan, and next year will usher in the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. China is promoting high-quality development and high-level opening up, and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, which will bring more opportunities to all countries in the world, including Brazil. The two sides should maintain regular strategic communication, strengthen the exchange of experience in governance, firmly regard each other as an important development opportunity, firmly support each other in taking a development path that suits their national conditions, and firmly support developing countries in strengthening solidarity and cooperation. The two sides should deepen pragmatic cooperation, steadily advance existing major cooperation projects, tap the potential of cooperation in agriculture, energy, infrastructure construction, aerospace, scientific and technological innovation and other fields, explore and strengthen cooperation in green economy, digital economy, clean energy, etc., and welcome more high-quality Brazilian products into the Chinese market. China is willing to actively explore the integration of the "Belt and Road" and Brazil's "reindustrialization" strategy. The two sides should take the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries next year as an opportunity to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of humanities and consolidate the foundation of China-Pakistan friendship and public opinion.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China firmly supports Latin American and Caribbean countries in consolidating the good momentum of peace, stability, independence and unity and development, supports the regional integration process, and plays a greater role in international affairs. China is willing to work with Pakistan to continue to host the China-Latin America Forum and push China-Latin America cooperation to a new level and achieve common development. China is also willing to work with Pakistan to strengthen cooperation between China and MERCOSUR and the Union of South American Nations. In the face of major changes unprecedented in the world in a century, China and Pakistan should stand on the right side of history, practice true multilateralism, carry forward the common values of all mankind, promote the development of the global governance system in a more just and reasonable direction, effectively safeguard the common interests of developing countries and international fairness and justice, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind. China is willing to strengthen strategic coordination with Pakistan on global issues of common concern within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations, BRICS and the G20, and strengthen coordination and cooperation on addressing climate change.

Lula said that I am very honored and proud to lead a large delegation to visit China for the fourth time, which is my first visit to a country outside the Americas since I became president, which reflects Pakistan's love for China and attaches importance to the development of Pakistan-China relations. China is an indispensable and important force in the political, economic and trade, science and technology and other fields in the world today, and plays a vital role in promoting world peace and development. Brazil is committed to developing closer relations with China from the strategic perspective of promoting the establishment of a just and rational international order. I am very pleased to visit Huawei and meet with representatives of relevant Chinese enterprises, expressing deep admiration for China's development achievements in 5G and other fields, hoping to expand cooperation between the two countries in related fields, and welcoming Chinese enterprises to invest and cooperate in Brazil to help Brazil achieve digital transformation and low-carbon development. It is believed that deepening and expanding cooperation between Pakistan and China will help Pakistan "re-industrialize" process, help solve poverty alleviation and other problems, and better benefit the people. The Pakistani side is willing to close exchanges and cooperation with the Chinese side in education, culture and other fields to enhance mutual understanding between the two peoples. Pakistan and China have consensus and common interests on many major international issues, both sides defend multilateralism and international fairness and justice, and Pakistan is willing to strengthen strategic coordination with China within multilateral frameworks such as the G<> and BRICS, strengthen coordination and cooperation on international finance, climate change and environmental protection, and contribute to promoting developing countries to free themselves from the shackles of unfair rules and achieve more equitable and balanced development. I believe that the future of Pakistan-China relations will be even better.

The two heads of state also exchanged views on the issue of the Ukrainian crisis. The two sides agreed that dialogue and negotiation is the only feasible way to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and all efforts conducive to a peaceful settlement of the crisis should be encouraged and supported, and called on more countries to play a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, and decided to maintain communication in this regard.

After the talks, the two heads of state witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of trade and investment, digital economy, scientific and technological innovation, information and communication, poverty reduction, quarantine, and aerospace.

The two sides issued the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Federative Republic of Brazil on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

Before the talks, Xi Jinping held a welcoming ceremony for Lula in the square outside the east gate of the Great Hall of the People.

When Lula arrived, the salute soldiers lined up to salute. The heads of state of the two countries boarded the parade platform, the military orchestra played the national anthems of China and Pakistan, and a 21-gun salute was fired in Tiananmen Square. Lula, accompanied by Xi Jinping, inspects the honor guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and watches the parade.

Xi Jinping's wife Peng Liyuan and Lula's wife Rosanggera accompanied them to the welcoming ceremony.

That evening, Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan held a welcome banquet for Lula and his wife Rosangela in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People.

Wang Yi, Qin Gang and others participated in the above activities. (End)


